Situation 3; Answers

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Shay's POV

The next morning I woke up, as strange as it sounds I feel so safe in Austen's arms. "Hey!" The look on Austen's face showed that he had probably been up half the night. "Goodmorning," I gave him a smile and stood up. "It was REALLY chilly last night, don't you agree?" Austen asked. "Definentaly," I replied. Just as we were about done packing I felt a jolt that knocked me to the ground. I looked over at Austen and he was lying face down on the ice. Then I saw him, Phil was standing above him ready to make the final blow. Just then I noticed the water rising from the gapping hole in the center of the ice. I jumped towards him and shoved his head in the hole. Holding one hand underwater and the other on his back I gave him a yank and tore his head right in two, I pushed the rest of his body in the rising water and the cannon fired. I ran toward Austen and the water was past my knees. I was almost uncapable of moving givin the temperature of the water. I sat next to Austen, who was still unconscious, and drove the sword I took from Phil into the ice splinting it. It broke loose and we started to rise, we were floating! As we were slowly rising with the water, someone grabbed my foot. I looked and saw Aubry, as scared as she looked I knew I couldn't trust her. I took my wire and wraped it around her arm, I pulled until it broke through the bone she let go and fell into the water. A blood trail followed behind her as she sunk deeper and deeper. The cannon fired and I knew that so far id killed two people today. Austen finally started to wake up. "What, what happened?" "Phil is what happened, he knocked you out and the water started to rise." "What's woth the blood on the ice?" "Its Aubry,I cut her arm off." "Nice." "Thanks!" Just then Vulpes jumped up through the ice and pulled me down. Austen grabbed my wire and stuck it in Vulpes toaster and electricuted us both. I heard the cannon fire and then everything went black. "Hey, get up please don't die."

"Austen what happened?" "I electricuted you when I killed Vulpes I am truly sorry." "Its okay. Wait what happed to your arm?" "It was Lily. After you passed out we drifted for a while and as I was about to fall asleep she attacked me and cut my arm. I turned around and shoved my hand through her chest and ripped out her heart." "Well done." "Thank you oh so very much." "Well you look very tired, I will take the first watch while you rest." "Alright, night." "Night."


Vulpes' POV

The ice suddenly cracked, and it seperated Gabriel, Widow, and I from Aria, Ashton, and Seral. As much as I hated to use a weapon this simple, I pulled out a bow and arrow, and shot all 3 of the m down. Then, the three of us got onto Steve as he swam across the ice.

Once we were on the other side, I saw Phil, with his arms up as if he were surrendering. "Listen," he said. "I think we should just burry the hatchet, make peace."

So, I burried the hatchet. Into his head.

"You know," Gaby added. "You're hot when you kill people."

"I know." I smiled, leaning in for a kiss.


Widow's POV

I looked around at the group i'd gotten into and snarled dangerously to myself. I decided straight away that the only ones worth my time were Vulpes, the little redheaded killing machine, and Gabriel, the guy who'd helped me out with the penguins. Everyone else I wasn't sure of but there was four in particular I didn't like at all. Phil, Seral, Aria and Ashton were too close for my liking. I felt that if I didn't stab them in the back first, i'd be dead before I knew it - they were schemers, I could feel it. Just as I was thinking about how i'd kill each of them the ice began to groan and crack, like a glass window shattering. It divided almost straight down the middle. Ashton, Phil and Seral on one side with Myself, Vulpes, Gabriel and Aria on the other. Before I even had time to react Vulpes reached down and picked up a bow and arrow, firing it straight into the two on the other side. I smiled, it appeared we were on the same wavelength. Suddenly I heard an angry cry and someone jumped at me, I dodged it easily, rolling out of the way. I looked up to see a very angry Aria and I laughed. "Bring it." I told her. She ran at me but her movements were sloppy. I brought my fist back and let it go just as she was in range, it cracked her right on the nose and she fell back, clutching at her bleeding face. Water stared to lap at my ankles so I knew I had to make this quick before we all drowned.

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