Interview: Widow (District 6)

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I watch as the previous contestant walks off stage and smile. This would be easy. Star crossed lovers? Ruthless killers? Alliances? People with families?
I have none of that.
I'm like a shadow. Silent, deadly, all consuming and inescapable - I wont form teams and if I do you can bet your life i'll only stab them in the back; Its what I do. I don't love, thats only a strategic defect and I certainly have no family hence the name. Widow.
Oh, and I wont be ruthless...That's predictable. I'll sneak up behind you, gain your trust, act innocent and then before you know it you'll be dead.
A voice booms from above me.
"Next up we have Widow, the District 6 tribute."
I walk onto stage and hear a gentle round of applause. I see Brielle sitting opposite me, she smiles. "So, Widow, why do you think you'll win this competition?"
I hesitate for a second before plastering a fake smile on my face. "I don't think i'll win. I know i'll win."
"You have alot of confidence Widow." Says Brielle, "what makes you so sure?"
My smile grows, "because the odds are ever in my favour."

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