Interview: Lillie (Capitol)

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As I make my way towards  the elaborately-lit stage, i can feel my muscles, and my stomach,  twisting in knots. I'm not the type to be on stage, and before my name  is called, i clutch my sandpaper-rough throat to calm my sudden thirst.  "Lilian Celeste!" And with that, I force my feet to move.

"Why do you think you will win?" Brielle asks me as I am seated.

"Because," I start. At  first, my words are hushed, but when i realize what is truly at stake, i  allow them to flow out clearly. "I know I am small, so I do my best to  make up for it."

"What are some of those things?"

"Well, i'm not one to  team up with people, but i do what i have to do to get what i want. I'm  sort of on my own here, so I have to be twice as strong as the people  who have already teamed up with each other. I'm sort of the underdog,  but everyone loves an underdog. They're usually the ones who win. And i  will do whatever it takes so the winner will be me."

"Great answer, wasn't  that a wonderful answer?" Everyone starts applauding furiously, and i am  suddenly at ease. They are rooting for me. Now I have a bigger reason  to live. For my fans.

"So, what sort of things do you do at home?"

"I play sports.  Vollyball, softball, track, and swimming. I'm a champian. That is the  best part about me. I am always underestimated. And understimation iss  what helps me obliterate the competition. You'll see for yourself when  we're in the arena."

"So are you saying you are ready?"

"No, i don't think  anyone can truly be ready for this, because when it comes up to the day,  you start to panic. I'm not ready, but I can deal."

"Well, i hope we get to  see more of you. I will be rooting for you in the arena, Lilian." My  ears are clouded with applause and cheers, and once i walk backstage, I  know I have said the right thing. If I am lucky, I will be the victor.  And I am fully capable of winning.

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