Interview: Ashton (District 13)

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"Hmmm...Why am I going to win, you ask? That's an interesting question. I'm going to win because of the pure awesomeness that radiates from my body. (Well, I kind of radiate from the nuclear testing process, but that's more of a glow.) Now, where was I...I'm gonna win because I'm ruthless and have no qualms about killing, mutilating, torturing, destroying, stealing, backstabbing, world domination!! Need I continue...? Well. I'll continue anyway. I am the awesomesauce that slaps you in the face every morning before you go to work. I am the epicness that laughs when you fall on your butt. I am the ugly stick that beat you mercilessly. Me and my allies, that is, shall beat you in the same way: MERCILESSLY. (Like a boss.) So get ready, because we're coming for you; and you are not prepared. You can't handle the truth! Ashton out."

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