Interview: Tristan (District 6)

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I walked out onto the stage, and was greeted by Brielle. "Hello there, what's your name and district?"

"Tristen, District 6," I replied smoothly.

"Well hello Tristen. Just a few questions," She said looking at both me and the crowd. "Why do you think you're going to win?"

I looked over the crowd  and saw some looking at me with a smile on their faces. "Well there are  lots of good tributes here today and they all did very well with their  interviews. I feel like I am repeating what they saying when I say I am  strong and intelligent. So I won't say that, I will say why I think I am  going to win is determination. Determination to win the games is what  will bring me home. I still have a full life to live and I plan on  living it."

"Well Tristen is there something else you would like to add before you go?"

I looked back over at  the tributes that where sitting down and noticed Elena from District 5.  She was pretty and spoke well. I would have to talk to her...

Like she knew I was  thinking about her she glanced over at me and I turned back towards the  crowd. "No thank you... I am good." I said with a dazzling smile.

"Tristen, District 6  everybody!" Brielle yelled to the crowd causing them to erupt with  applause.  I walked of the stage and sat back down.

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