Interview: Amber (District 2)

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Who am I, you ask? You  should know, I am Amber from district 2, obviously. When my name got  called out of the reaping, nobody volunteered like they always did. I  froze as soon as I heard my name. My best friends pushed me and the  peacekeepers pulled me up onto the stage. I didn't want to participate, I  had to look after my ill sister, who has a brain problem. Who knows,  when I'm away she might die. The doctors said she would die soon, and I  need to be there for her at her final days. That is the reason why I  need to win. I also have a 5 year old brother who my older sister is  unfit to look after. I promised my mother before she died that I would  look after him. That is why, I warn you. I will win these games even if  it costs me my sanity. I will get home to my siblings, I will win with  my skills that I learnt from my father and friends. I will win, in front  of everybody, as my siblings are watching this, I promise that I will  win the Writer games!

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