Finals: Jojo

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I was through the golden  door! I made it, was this real? Me, the 12 year old from District  8??......No...No...It couldn't be! I looked behind me and Ave and Stone  drove through the door. OH NO! This turned from hopeless to impossible!

Daddy (district 8's  mayor) wasn't going to see me ever again!!!! "Daaaa-deeeeee---" Then  someone put a hand over my mouth. I squeezed out of their hands and  Elena stood with her hands on her hips and a 'are you crazy' look on her  face.

"Look little kid! I  really want to help you, I couldn't stand having one of the others kill  you! I mean look you're probably the shortest kid I've ever seen in the  games!" Elena said. I started to cry loudly. "WOAH! Little dude you have  to be quiet! When the other tributes race their cars through the gold  doorway you have to hide! I'm going to fight for you and me, I want you  to stay here!...DON'T MOVE!.......Uhhh how about you hide in this cave."

Cave? Where were we? I  thought. I was to focused on who I was going against I didn't look at  the arena! It was blue and bubbly and shiny, and...WET!!!


"Jojo! I said to stay  quiet! Are you asking to die?!" she yelled back. Oops I forgot. I guess  it didn't matter where we were unless there was air to breathe.

Angel and Markie then drove through the gold doorway. The final battle was about to start!

I ran into the cave just like Elena told me too. It was cold and slimy. GROSS! I hate caves!

I tried finding a clean  spot where I could sit and hide from the battle, I found one. I sat on  the red bumpy rock. Would this battle take a while?

Then the red rock I was sitting on started moving! Then a few secondds later the rock pinched my butt!

"OWW!!" stupid crab!......

I shouldn't of said that because AN INTIRE ARMY of crabs chased me out of the cave. There were robably millions of crabs!!

"HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!!" I screamed ju,ping up and down avoiding the crabs' pinches.

The tributes found me...and the crabs. The tributes joined me and ran away from the killer crabs.

Stone grabbed me and lifted me on his shoulders. "Hold on Jojo!" he yelled.

I wasn't going to let go of Stone nomatter what! I'd rather die from a tribute then being pinched to death by crabs!

I looked down and in Stone's back pocket my fabric tiger! It was too far to reach and it was slipping out of his pocket!

"Jojo, I have to warn you we are jumping off this cliff!" Stone said.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!??? A cliff? No!" I squeeled.

All the tributes reached  the edge of the cliff. The cliff was our only option if we wanted to  avoid the crabs, and obviously like planned they all held hands and  jumped. I was grabbing Stone's shirt as hard as possible and waited for  the crash at the bottom.

Then a saw my fabric tiger fall out of Stone's pocket and disappear into the darkness below me.

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