Ch. 42 Karma

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Danny POV
Today, I'm going to go to Napa Valley to make sure that Vanessa will never bother Rachel and I again. I told Rachel that I'm probably gonna be working late, she thinks it's something for the family business. But it's not. I'm going to meet up with Vanessa's dad to tell him what she has done.
After an hour flight, I went over to Napa Wine to meet up with him. I haven't seen this man since I was a kid. But I remember my dad telling me how close they are and how no matter what they'll never let their personal life come between their business and friendship.
I get the winery to meet up with him and luckily he was up front.

Maxwell: Danny? Is that you?
Danny: Yes sir.

We shook hands and did a bro hug.

Maxwell: Oh man, I haven't see you in ages. How have you been?
Danny: I've been good sir.
Maxwell: By the way congratulations on your engagement.
Danny: Thank you sir.
Maxwell: Come lets have some wine to celebrate in my office.

So we go to his office and we sat down and we talked about my engagement and how I'm thinking about taking over for my dad. But I'm actually here for something else.

Maxwell: What brings you by?
Danny: Well, I don't know if you saw about the bombshell that was said about Rachel.
Maxwell: I kept hearing about it. Don't tell me that it's true.
Danny: It's true.
Maxwell: Oh I'm sorry.
Danny: It's fine. It's just that information was kept private so that no one would have access to it. Someone got hold to it and told the world about it.
Maxwell: Wow. Did you find out who did it?
Danny: That's why I'm hear to talk to you about that.
Maxwell: What you mean?
Danny:I hate to put it like this, but your daughter Vanessa did that.
Maxwell: What?
Danny: She is still not over how I'm not with her and she threatened to tell the world about Rachel. So I don't know what got into to her to do it. But we didn't do anything to her and—
Maxwell: Hold on. So Vanessa did that you two?
Danny: Yes sir.
Maxwell: She has always been spoiled. You see when I married her mother and when I first met Vanessa. She was just really sweet and everything, until she discovered that I was rich and she would ask me to buy her things. If I said no she would use her mother against me. She would even do that to this business if I didn't give her what she wants.
Danny: Well, sir that is just the half you know about her.
Maxwell: What you mean?
Danny: Look at this.

I hand him my phone and he looks at the file I have saved of what Vanessa did. He was so shocked and disappointed at the same time.

Maxwell: Her mother isn't gonna be pleased with this.
Danny: I'm sorry I had to tell you this sir.
Maxwell: It's fine. I'm glad you came to me in person for this. You know what email me that. And I'm gonna make sure that I'll keep Vanessa off you guys.
Danny: Thank you sir.
Maxwell: It's no problem. To even the olds, why don't you and Rachel invite my wife and I to the wedding.
Danny: You guys invitation has been sent in the mail already.
Maxwell: Really?
Danny: Yes sir. We are getting married in late April.
Maxwell: Well count on us being there then.

Afterwards, I leave to head back to LA and it's about 10:00 pm when I got back. Rachel was still up waiting for me when I got home.

Danny: Babe, what are you still doing up?
Rachel: I was worried about you and I couldn't sleep.
Danny: Aww babe. I'm here now. Come on let's get some sleep.

We head upstairs to go to bed. I'm glad that we can now live and start our lives in peace.

Maxwell POV
After my conversation with Danny and with what he told me about Vanessa. I've just pretty much had enough with Vanessa for all of these years.

Kate: Whats wrong honey?
Maxwell: Oh nothing.
Kate: I know you are lying. You can tell me.
Maxwell: remember Walter's son Danny?
Kate: Yeah. We just got an invitation to his wedding. Why?
Maxwell: Okay. Do you remember me telling you about the word that kept going around about his fiancé?
Kate: Yeah. Don't tell me that's true.
Maxwell: From what he told me, it is.
Kate: Oh no, that poor girl.
Maxwell: Well, that information was locked away for no one to access, but someone was able to and told the world.
Kate: Who would do that?
Maxwell: Take one guess.
Kate: I can't think of anyone.
Maxwell: Turns out it was Vanessa.
Kate: There is no way.
Maxwell: Well, she blacked nailed them and he don't know why she did it.
Kate: Maybe she's not over him breaking up with her.
Maxwell: I don't know, but it has me disappointed.
Kate: Me too.
Maxwell: There's more.

I hand Kate my phone for her to look at what Danny gave me.

Kate: OMG!! What is this?!
Maxwell: I know.
Kate: That's it. We gotta do something.
Maxwell: I know. I'm thinking of something now.
Kate: I actually have a better idea.

She tells me what she wants to do. I know it may seem a bit harsh, but Vanessa needs this and we can't deal with her being like this.
The next day, we called Vanessa over to meet us at our house.

Vanessa: What is it? Why do you want to see me?
Kate: Well, first of all, fix your attitude and your tone young lady.
Vanessa: What?
Maxwell: You heard your mother.

She is looking at us confused.

Kate: Explain why you did this.

I turn my computer around for her to see. When she sees it she screams in anger.

Vanessa: Where did you find this?!
Maxwell: That's none of your concern.
Kate: Why did you do this? What on earth were you thinking?

What the information was if you are wondering if this:
When Vanessa was in college she was posing nude and would bribe her teachers to pass her classes and sleep with male students to pass her classes. She would use the family name to get her way and that is unexpected. She was also arrested multiple times for stealing and causing fights.

Vanessa: This is none of your business!!!
Maxwell: You know how hard I've worked for this business and you go around and parade like this thinking you can get whatever you want?!!!!
Kate: I've raised you better than this Vanessa!!!
Vanessa: Why are going along with him?!
Kate: Watch your tone with me young lady!!! I am your mother!!! And you will respect me!!
Maxwell: We have no choice but to punish you. Chase?! Come in please.

Chase is head of our security and I trust him for everything. Kate and I seem him as a son we never had. We trust him so much he's gonna take over the business went I plan to retire.

Chase: Yes, sir.
Maxwell: Take Vanessa to where we told you to take her.
Chase: Yes, sir.
Vanessa: What?!

Chase takes her by her arm to take her.

Vanessa: Hey!! Let me go!!
Kate: Take her away!!

Chase takes her away. I know that it was hard, but it had to be done. Vanessa needs to get her act together.

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