Ch. 27 Rescue Me

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Rachel POV
Walter got me a security guard for me when I'm at work. I explained my situation to the Dean of Students and he understood and allowed me to have a security guard.
My security guard's name is Johnathan and he knows my rules and what he's suppose to do.
So far the next few days haven't been bad. School has started back and some of my students returned to work. We've already began to map out plans for this semester and everyone is excited about it.
Tonight, I'm helping put on a interest meeting for anyone who wants to be apart of the yearbook staff. So far we have about 15 people who are interested which is amazing. Johnathan is outside the meeting room guarding the door. I still have a gut feeling something is gonna go wrong.

Rachel: Hello, everyone. My name is Rachel Leveret. I am the supervisor of the yearbook staff. I guess you can say that I'm in charge of everything, but I supervise over everyone as we make out the yearbooks. I want to thank you guys for coming out for our interest meeting. So I'm gonna let our president, Miss. Lola take over and explain more about what we do.

Lola takes over and she tells everyone about what we do. Along with our Vice President, editor, photographer, and senior assistant. Everyone there is so interested in wanting to join and everything is going great.
After the meeting was over, I locked up everything and Johnathan followed me to my car. He has his car parked right next to mine. As I was just about to get into my car, I see somebody come up behind him.

Rachel: Johnathan, behind you!!

Before he could turn around he gets hit in the back of the head causing him to get knocked out. I'm so scared. I went over to wake up Johnathan and he wasn't responding. I immediately call Danny, but before I could the guy takes my phone away from me. He has me facing my car and has a gun on my back. Tears are coming down my face. I want to fight him but he has a gun and he could kill me.

Man: Now be a good girl, get in the car and do exactly as I tell you to and you won't get hurt.

I get in the car and he gets behind me in the car with the gun on the back side of me. He tells me which way to go and the route seems so familiar. A few minutes later, we arrive to my old house where I lived at before moving out with Danny.

Man: Get out of the car.

I get out of the car and the man has the gun still on my back.

Man: Go inside the house.

We walk inside the house and it's kinda dark inside. Then, we go in my old room. I don't know who this man is, but he ties me to a bed as I'm trying to fight him and ties my hands and ankles.

Rachel: What the hell?! Who are you?!
Man: Hahahaha. Do you think you want to know who I am?
Rachel: Tell me who the fuck you are you bastard.

The man turns the light on and I see all of these pictures of me plastered on the wall.

Rachel: Why the fuck are there pictures of me?

The man comes and faces me. And furry is going through my body.
It's Eric.

Eric: I told you what I was gonna do.
Rachel: You are gonna rot in hell.
Eric: But baby we belong together. I love you.
Rachel: Go to hell.

I spit in his face and it makes him even more mad.

Eric: Want to do this the hard way huh?

Eric forces himself on me and kisses me. I'm trying to fight back, but I can't because he has me tied up.

Eric: Stop moving.

He slaps me across my face over and over again. And punches my stomach. Tears come down my face. Then, he rips off my clothes and I'm in my underwear.

Rachel: No!! Please!!
Eric: Shut up and let me show you who you really suppose to be with.

He forces a kiss on my again. And he began to touch my body and making me feel uncomfortable. And he hits me too. My face feels so swollen and my stomach in so much pain.

Rachel: No!! Stop!!

I have a feeling what he's gonna do next. And it's not gonna be good. He pulls himself out and he rips off my panties. And he spreads my legs wide.

Rachel: NO!!!!!!!

He slams himself into me hard and I feel nothing but pain.

Rachel: NOOOOO!!! STOP!!!!!!

I'm crying my eyes out in pain. He goes slams hard and fast inside me and it's so painful. My body is aching in pain and my face hurts. Then, I hear a loud bang from the door. Danny, Johnathan, Brad, Bethanie, Jacob, and Harper come in to save me.

Danny: Get off my girlfriend you asshole!!!!

Danny gets him off of me and fights him. Brad and Jacob untie me.

Brad: Beth and Harp take her to a hospital and we'll meet you guys there.
Harper: Okay. Help me Beth.

I was too weak to walk. So I had to be carried out. I began to fade out.

Danny POV
I fight Eric as Bethanie and Harper take Rachel to a hospital.

Danny: You bastard. Didn't I tell you to stay away from my girlfriend?

I punch him even harder to where he can't even fight back.

Jacob: Danny, stop don't kill him.
Brad: Yeah man the cops are on their way.

Jacob and Brad pull me back. And Johnathan ties Eric to a chair.

Johnathan: You guys do the the hospital, I'll take care of him.
Brad: I'll stay with you Johnathan. Jacob and Danny you guys head down to the hospital and I'll be there soon.
Danny: Okay.

Jacob and I drive as fast as we could to the hospital. I hope Rachel is okay. I'm praying as hard as I can.

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