Ch. 30 Free or Not Free

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Rachel POV
The next few days were good and bad. Good because everyone would come and visit me to see if I'm okay and I began therapy with therapist that Mitch recommended for me. To be honest, it's really helping. Danny is there with me. My sessions lasts up to an hour and a half. My pain in my body is gradually going away. So on a scale of 1 to 10 my pain is about a 4.
As for the bad...Ugh. Every night I have nightmares about what happened to me and I wake up screaming in fear. I feel bad for waking Danny in the middle of the night, but he tells me that it's okay. Danny ends up sleeping with me in the hospital bed even though it's small and I fall asleep knowing that he's here with me.
So today I finally go home. I can't wait to go home and get out of this hospital. I changed in some clothes that Bethanie and Hailey got for me. Which they shouldn't have.


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Dr. Miller: Well, Rachel according to your charts you can go home. Be sure you take your pain medication and no intercourse for two weeks. And visit your regular doctor for a check up afterwards.
Rachel: Okay. Thank you.
Dr. Miller: You're welcome. You guys take care.
Danny: We will.

The doctor leaves out of the room and the nurse comes in with a wheelchair to take me to the car. Danny helps me to the wheelchair and he has both of our things and we head out. We get to the car, Danny helps me get in and then we both drive home.

Rachel: Hey babe, can we get Starbucks?
Danny: Sure. Anything for you.

We pull up to Starbucks drive through.

Danny: What would you like my love?
Rachel: Ummm...a grande white mocha frap with vanilla syrup.
Danny: Okay. Anything else?
Rachel: No that's all.
Danny: Okay.

Danny makes the order for me and himself. We get our drinks and head home.
A few minutes later we arrived and I feel so happy to be home.

Rachel: It's so good to be home.
Danny: I know babe.

We get our things and head in the house. Soon as we get inside, I see on the coffee table a box with a note on it.

Rachel: What is this?
Danny: Open and see.

I pick up the note and read what it says and I began to tear up a bit.

Rachel: Oh baby

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Rachel: Oh baby.
Danny: I meant every word.

I give him a kiss. And I open the box and I'm floored.

Rachel: OMG!! Shut up!! Are these venus et fleur?Danny: Haha

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Rachel: OMG!! Shut up!! Are these venus et fleur?
Danny: Haha. Yep.

I've love these flowers. They are so gorgeous and they last for a really long time.
I give Danny a big hug.

Danny: You like it?
Rachel: Like it? I love it. Thanks baby.
Danny: You're welcome. Welcome home sweetie.

The rest of the day went smoothly. Danny and I did somethings to help me with my recovery. We did some workouts, yoga, and a bunch of other relaxing things.
After about a couple of hours, my therapist came over for a session with us. We are doing our sessions at home since I'm not feeling fully comfortable to go out just yet.
The next day, Danny went to work and I stayed home, but Danny called Bethanie to come over and watch me. Which was unnecessary, but I would get a bit lonely so I'm glad he called her.

Rachel: So tell me, how are you and Brad doing?
Bethanie: Amazing. He is so sweet. He told me when he met you, he flirted with you.
Rachel: Yep. He tried to come on to me because that was how he used to be. He would still girls who would be with Danny and take them away from him.
Bethanie: He told me that. He said he feels ashamed and that's he is willing to change his ways to no longer be that playboy.
Rachel: That's good he's changing.

As we are talking, we hear my phone ring and it's Gloria. I put her on speakerphone.

Rachel: Hi, Gloria.
Gloria: Hi, Rachel. How are you?
Rachel: I'm coming along pretty good. Bethanie is here too.
Gloria: Hi Bethanie.
Bethanie: Hi.
Gloria: Rachel the reason I'm calling is that the police do have Eric in custody and they need a statement from you saying that you want to press charges.
Rachel: What does this mean?
Gloria: It means that if you press charges for what he did he can go to prison for life. If you don't then he can walk free.

I felt my heart drop when she said if I don't press charges and he can walk free. I don't want that to happen at all. I want him to pay for what he did.

Rachel: I want to press charges.
Gloria: Okay great. I'll let LAPD know.
Rachel: Also, do I have to appear in court?
Gloria: Not really. Why?
Rachel: If I have to appear in court, I would be terrified to see Eric.
Gloria: I can definitely make a request that you don't want to be in court. I have all the evidence that I need to have him sent away.
Rachel: Thank you so much for doing this.
Gloria: You're welcome. I'm just glad both of my sons have found two amazing ladies.
Bethanie: Awww thanks.
Gloria: I'll talk to you girls later. Bye.
Rachel and Bethanie: Bye.

I feel a bit relieved even more now.

Bethanie: You seemed relived.
Rachel: I am. I'm glad he's gonna pay.
Bethanie: Same.

Bethanie and I do some yoga and clean the house a bit to help with my recovery. A few hours later, Danny comes home. Bethanie leaves to go see Brad.
We do our therapy session for today and for some I was able to sleep better tonight than I have been. No nightmares or anything for the first time. Just peaceful sleep with Danny beside me.

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