Ch. 6 Let Me Make It Up To You

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Rachel POV
We left the park and went to the gym to do lifting. There wasn't many people there because it was about 7:30 when we got there.
I get a couple of dumbbells and do some squats.

Danny POV
As we are at the gym, I pull Jacob to the side to talk to him about something.

Jacob: Hey, what's up man?
Danny: I have a question about Rachel. Why does she hate me?
Jacob: Ha. Dude she doesn't hate you. She just has a bit of trust issues when it comes to guys who want to get to know her.
Danny: Why is that?
Jacob: That's not my job to tell. It's up to her. You have to work to earn her trust. I know what happened to her and I promised to never tell anyone or ever bring it up to her, but it's up to her to tell you.
Danny: Well....can you tell me how bad it was?
Jacob: It was so bad that....she only hangout with me, Harper, Mama Mel, and Papa C.
Danny: I see.

Now I feel bad. I have to apologize to her and make it up to her.

Danny: I need to apologize to her for calling her Miss Tipsy.
Jacob: Hey man, there's no need for that.
Danny: No I need too. I should've done that to her. She seems like an amazing girl and I kinda want to get to know her.
Jacob: Go for it man. I've known you for a good while and you are good guy. Just don't ask about her past just yet. Take time to get to know her. Take her to some of her favorite places and do some of the things she loves to do.

That's not a bad idea.

Jacob: Just not a date just yet. Get to know her as a friend.
Danny: Sounds good. Thanks for the help and advice man.
Jacob: Good deal.

So we go back to workout. We do weight lifting for almost an hour.

Rachel POV
We finished working out for today and it was a bit reliving for me. But still Danny was a jerk to me.

Jacob: Hey meet me by the car as I go use the bathroom.
Rachel: Okay.

As I'm heading to the car Danny walks out to his car as well.

Rachel: Are you following me?
Danny: No. I actually need to talk to you.
Rachel: Why? To be a jerk to me again by calling me "Miss Tipsy".
Danny: No!! Rachel, please hear me out.

Woah. What just happened?

Danny: Look, I'm sorry.

I'm confused.

Rachel: Wait, what?
Danny: I'm sorry for how I treated you. I should've made fun of you of what happened to you that night and calling you Miss Tipsy.
Rachel: What has made you to have a sudden change in heart?
Danny: Jacob, told me you had a bad past.
Rachel: Oh no!!!

I began to get a bit upset. Why Jacob?

Jacob: Don't worry he didn't tell me what happened.

Thank God.

Danny: I'm gonna be real, I wanna get to know you. There is something about you that has me so interested in you. You seem like an amazing girl. And I want to get know you and I want you to trust me.

What the absolute geez is happening?

Rachel: But why? I'm not that easy to crack open.
Danny: How about this I take on a day of fun? I take you to wherever you want to go.
Rachel: Is this a date?
Danny: It's up to you. It can be just two friends hanging out.

That option doesn't sound too bad.

Rachel: Okay, fine. Just as friends.
Danny: Deal. Is tomorrow okay?
Rachel: Yeah. There is actually somethings that I've always wanted to do anyway.
Danny: What is that?
Rachel: I've always loved to do indoor skydiving and a trampoline park.
Danny: I've never been to neither one of those places.
Rachel: Oh you are in for a treat.
Danny: What time should I pick you up?
Rachel: Is noon okay?
Danny: That's perfect.

Then, Jacob comes to the car.

Rachel: I guess I'll see you tomorrow then.
Danny: Yeah.
Rachel: Do you know where I live?
Danny: Yeah. I still have it in my phone from that night.
Rachel: Okay then. See you tomorrow.
Danny: See ya.

He gets in his car and drives off. Then, Jacob and I get in the car. I didn't want to talk to him about me going to hanging out with Danny tomorrow. So it was a bit of a silent drive. Plus, I was extremely tired.
Jacob dropped me off at my house. I took a shower and went straight to bed. I can't believe what I'm doing. I haven't hung out with a guy in so long. I hope I'm doing the right thing. I'm definitely getting out of my comfort zone for sure. There is no looking back now.

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