Ch. 12 Long Talk

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Rachel POV
It's been two days since I slept with Danny. I called in work that "I'm sick". I honestly didn't feel like leaving my house. I just moped around.
Now I'm just eating chocolate while watching a The Notebook.
Then, I hear my door unlock and it's Danny and Harper.

Rachel: What are you guys doing here?

Harper takes the chocolate out of my hands and Danny turns my TV off.

Rachel: What the hell are you guys doing?
Jacob: Rachel Anne Leveret I'm so disappointed in you.

Oh boy this isn't good. And I know what he's already talking about.

Rachel: Because of Danny.
Jacob: Yes because you broke the poor guy's heart.
Rachel: But Jac—-
Jacob: I don't want to hear your excuses.

Oh he's mad at me. The last time he was ever mad at me was when I was when we were kids.

Jacob: Listen to me, get over your damn self. Let your past go. Your relationship with Eric ended and that happened 3 years ago. You should have been moved on. But no you stayed bitter. Danny is a great guy and you can't pass him up. If you do, you'll regret it. The poor guy is crushed because you told him that you shouldn't have slept with him. You need to let your past go and move on with your future. Now I'm saying this because I love you and you are my little sister. And I want the best for you.

Wow. Jacob really talked some since into me. And he's right. I have been bitter because of my past. I just got scared to fall in love again.

Rachel: Well, what should I do? I know he's not gonna want to talk to me.
Jacob: It's up to you. You have to fix this.
Harper: Exactly. You have to learn to love again Rach.
Rachel: What do I do?
Harper: Well first, stop moping around all depressed and everything.
Jacob: Yeah. I hate to see you down. Plus, it's been 3 years since I've seen you this down.
Harper: Two, learn how to listen to your heart.
Rachel: How?
Harper: Turn your head off and listen to what your heart says.
Rachel: Okay.

Now I feel like a fool. I really did hurt Danny's feelings. I have to do something.
And I began to ponder about when I should talk to Danny. I mean it's already been two days. I really should talk to him. I think I know what I'll do. I don't know if he'll wanna talk to me or not. But it has to work.
Great now I'm second guessing myself. Now I don't know what to do.
I decided to go for a walk to Starbucks to help me think.
On my way there, I see one of my good friends from high school that I haven't seen in so long.

Rachel: Bethanie, is that you?
Bethanie: OMG!! Rachel!!

We both hugged each other.
Bethanie and I were really great friends. We were friends since we were 8 but she moved to New York by the time we got to 7th grade.

Rachel: It's so good to see you

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Rachel: It's so good to see you. You look amazing.
Bethanie: Thanks. But you look gorgeous. It's been so long. What have you been up too?
Rachel: Oh you have no idea.
Bethanie: Lets go to this cafe and catch up.

So we go to the cafe to talk. It's so good to see Bethanie.
We got a table and sat down.

Bethanie: Okay. Spill the tea.
Rachel: Hahaha. Okay.

So I tell Bethanie everything. From loosing my parents, getting adopted by Mama Mel and Papa C, Jacob and Harper getting together, to telling her about Eric. Which was kinda hard to tell and she understood why. And I had to conclude about Danny.

Bethanie: Wow.
Rachel: I know right.
Bethanie: A lot has happened to you.
Rachel: Yeah.
Bethanie: But that Danny sounds like a nice guy.
Rachel: He is, but I feel bad for breaking his heart.
Bethanie: Who wouldn't in his position?
Rachel: It's been three days and I want to talk to him. But now I'm torn. What should I do?
Bethanie: Well, for starters let go of your past. That Eric seems like an asshole. And since it has been three days since you talked to Danny, if I was you I would wait till I see him again to talk to him. Wait, do you have his number?
Rachel: Yeah.
Bethanie: Okay here's what you do. Give it one more day for you to decide how you feel about him. Don't stress too much about it. Let your thoughts about him come to you naturally and then you call him. Not text. Call him to meet up with you somewhere to talk.

That may not be such a bad idea. I'll give it a try.

Rachel: Okay. Thanks Beth.
Bethanie: No problem. Plus, I have some news.
Rachel: What?
Bethanie: I'm officially moving back to LA.
Rachel: YAY!! This is so exciting.
Bethanie: I know right. I've been working as a model for the past couple of years. I've lived in New York the whole time and I told my agent that I want to continue my modeling in LA. So I'm back for good.
Rachel: Wow. Congrats Beth. Have you found a place yet?
Bethanie: No but I'm looking for one. As of now I'm in a hotel.
Rachel: You can stay with me. I have an extra room.
Bethanie: Are you sure? I don't want to intrude.
Rachel: No it won't be a problem. Plus, you get to see everyone.
Bethanie: Sounds good to me.

So we left the cafe and went to the hotel for Bethanie to get her things and come to my house. I swear I've missed this girl and I'm so glad she's back.

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