Ch. 9 Top Golf

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Rachel POV
Tonight, I'm gonna be going out with Harper and Jacob at Top Golf. I heard from my students how much fun it is.
So we are all at Top Golf having a blast.

Jacob: Hey Rach. I hope you don't mind I invited a friend.
Rachel: It's fine. As long as your friend doesn't hit on me.
Man: Oh I promise I won't.

Who the hell?! I turn around and it's Danny. Ummmmmmm. I'm happy and surprised to see him.
What is wrong with me? Why am I like this? I'm not like this. This isn't me.

Danny: Hey guys.
Harper: Hi Danny. How are you?
Danny: I'm good.
Jacob: Hey man.
Danny: Whats up? Hi Rachel.

His face lit up like it was Christmas when he saw me.

Rachel: Hi Danny.

I can't help but smile now. He's so freaking cute right now.

Harper: Okay love birds. Save that for later.

I felt so embarrassed. My face turned red. Why did she have to do that? I don't like him.
I think.

Jacob: Lets play guys.

So we all played a few of rounds. We had some amazing food and I didn't have wine. I had water. Well, I had water most of the night and now I'm having one glass of wine to stay safe.
After about an hour of us talking and having fun, I went outside to the balcony to get some air. And Danny came out there with me.

Danny: Hey are you okay?
Rachel: Yeah. I just needed some air.

We look over the balcony at the view of the city. It's so beautiful.

Danny: This place is awesome.
Rachel: I know right. My students told me about this place and how much fun it is. I may have to treat them one day here for their hard work.
Danny: I think they would love it.

I laugh at him. So many thoughts and feelings are going through my body right now being with Danny. I mean this guy is truly something else. He's smart, kind, caring, and so handsome. He is so cute. With his fit muscular body.

Danny: Are you okay?

I snapped back into reality really quick.

Rachel: Yeah. I'm fine.
Danny: Okay. You seemed a bit zoned out.
Rachel: Oh I was thinking. It must be this wine I'm having.

Note I'm having one glass and apparently this wine is strong and I'm not lying. It's good, but strong as hell.

Danny: Would you like for me to take you home?
Rachel: Yes, please.

We go to Harper and Jacob to let them know that I'm heading home. But before we left Danny had a word with Jacob. While he did that I went to the bathroom.

Danny POV
I had to talk to Jacob about something because it's best that he knows and he's my best friend. And he's Rachel's sister.

Jacob: What is it man?
Danny: Dude, I think I feel something between me and Rachel.
Jacob: Really?
Danny: Yeah. I caught her staring at me when we were out on the balcony. It was like she wanted to kiss me or something. It's like strong chemistry or something.
Jacob: Dude, she likes you.
Danny: Really? I thought she had a thing against me.
Jacob: I saw how her face lit up when she saw you come in. Don't pressure her or anything.
Danny: Well I'm gonna be taking her home—
Jacob: She's gonna invite you in.
Danny: You don't know that—
Jacob: She's gonna invite you in. As her brother, I say be patient with her and don't pressure her. As your best friend, listen to her and comfort her if she needs it.
Danny: Thanks man. I appreciate it.
Jacob: Also, one other thing. Use protection.
Danny: Dude!! Come on!! I would never do that. That's your sister and I would never cross that line.
Jacob: Okay. But if you do. Use protection.

We both laughed a bit and I drive Rachel to her house. Is Jacob right? I have no idea. Oh Rachel why are you like this to me. Why are you like this?

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