Ch. 29 Wide Awake

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Rachel POV
Wait, am I having a dream? I'm still replaying in my head what happened to me. The pain, the tears, everything. I wish that it wasn't real.
I open my eyes and I see that I'm in a very bright room. My body is in so much pain. I can't believe what happened to me. I feel super violated. Then, someone walks in.

Nurse Amy: Oh good, you're awake. How are you feeling?
Rachel: Like crap. Where am I? Where's my boyfriend?
Nurse Amy: You are in the hospital. Your boyfriend will be here soon.

That's a relief. I miss my baby. But I'm still so scared. 

Danny POV
I wake up the next morning and Rachel is still on my mind. I go take a shower. Thankfully I always have clothes over here to put on. I go downstairs to the kitchen and mom, dad, and Hailey are there.

Walter: Good morning, son. How are you feeling?
Danny: I'm okay.
Hailey: It's gonna be okay.

My phone rings and I answer it.

Danny: Hello?
Dr. Miller: Hi, are you Danny Phillips? Rachel Leveret's current boyfriend?
Danny: This is he.
Dr. Miller: Oh good. I'm Dr. Miller, Rachel's doctor here at the hospital.
Danny: Oh hi doc. How is she?
Dr. Miller: I have great news. Rachel is wide awake.
Danny: Oh thank God.
Dr. Miller: She is still in pain. We have her taking some pain medicine. We strongly encourage that everyone come to the hospital to tell her about her loosing the baby because we know how her reaction is gonna be which will increase her pain and we know what to do to decrease it.
Danny: When should we come?
Dr. Miller: Now, if you like.
Danny: We'll be there soon. Thanks Doc.
Dr. Miller: You're welcome. Bye.

I hang up the phone and I feel so relieved.

Gloria: What is it?
Danny: Rachel is awake.
Hailey: Oh thank God.
Walter: Oh I'm so glad.
Gloria: Same here. We should call everyone and let them know.
Danny: Okay. Imma head to the hospital because the doctor recommended that everyone comes so that we can tell her what happened to the baby because they know she's gonna have a reaction and they know how to treat it.
Hailey: I'll come with you.
Gloria: I'll be there soon as well.

Hailey and I get in the car and head to the hospital. We are both calling everyone letting them know about Rachel. I'm so glad my girl is okay.
20 minutes later we get to the hospital and we walk up to the front desk.

Nurse Amy: Hi may I help you?
Danny: We are here to see Rachel Leveret. Dr. Miller called me this morning saying that she's awake.
Nurse Amy: Oh yes. I'll take you guys to go see her.

We go to Rachel's room and I'm so glad I get to see my girl.

Rachel POV
I'm awake and fully alert, but my body hurts a tad bit. Like on a scale of 1 to 10, about a 8.
I hear a knock at my door and one of the nurses walks in.

Nurse Amy: You have some visitors.

I'm extremely curious who is here to see me. I hope it's Danny. I miss him so much.
My face lit up like Christmas when I see Danny and Hailey.

Rachel: Hi guys.
Hailey: Hi Rach. I'm so glad you are awake.
Rachel: Me too.
Danny: Baby, I'm so glad you are okay. I've missed you so much.
Rachel: I've missed you more.
Nurse Amy: I'll be right back with Dr. Miller.

The nurse leaves out to go to get the doctor. Danny comes up to me and holds my hand. I've missed this man so much.

Danny: Hi baby.
Rachel: Hi.
Danny: How are you feeling?
Rachel: Still in pain a bit. I've missed you.
Danny: I've missed you more.

He kisses my hand and that puts a smile on my face. Jacob, Harper, Bethanie, Mama Mel, and Brad arrive. I'm so happy to see them. Then the doctor comes in.

Dr. Miller: Hi everyone.
Danny: Hi doc.
Dr. Miller: Have you told her yet?
Rachel: Tell me what?

I'm so lost. What are they talking about.

Danny POV
I don't know how I'm gonna tell her this.

Danny: No.
Rachel: Tell me what? I'm so confused.
Harper: Guys, let's leave the room for a minute and give them some time alone.
Mama Mel: I think that's best too.

Everyone leave the room and it's just Rachel, Dr. Miller, and I.

Rachel: So is anyone gonna tell me what's up?

I still hold her hand because I know she's gonna freak out. I'm gonna support her no matter what.

Danny: Doc I think it's best you tell her.

I think he can tell that he knew it was the best decision.

Dr. Miller: Rachel, I hate to break this to you, but you were pregnant.
Rachel: I was what?!

I knew that this was gonna happen. She isn't gonna take this well.

Dr. Miller: You were 3 weeks pregnant. But I'm sorry to say that you lost the baby because of being raped which caused by the reaction to being raped and you to bleed pretty badly and we had to do surgery on you. You can't have intercourse for about 2 weeks and take these pain meds for 2 weeks as well. We have to keep you in the hospital for the next 3 days for your pain to go away. I would also recommend that you seek therapy as well with this issue that you went through to reach a recovery mentally.

Rachel POV
I can't believe this. I was pregnant. I had a baby growing inside of me. And I lost it. I don't know how to react. I feel tears come down my face.

Danny: Rachel, are you okay?

I hear Danny, but I can't make words come out of my mouth.

Dr. Miller: Rachel.
Rachel: Yes.

I snapped back really fast.

Dr. Miller: Are you okay?
Rachel: No.

I break down and cry. Danny sits next to me and holds me close to him.

Danny: It's okay babe.
Rachel: Why did this happen to me?

Danny POV
I hold Rachel tighter. I feel some tears down my face.

Danny: It's gonna be okay.
Dr. Miller: I'm so sorry Rachel.

I wipe the tears from her face. I lift her face up and kiss her.

Rachel: I love you.
Danny: I love you. You are gonna be okay.
Dr. Miller: I'll be back to check on you.

Everyone comes in and hugs Rachel and comforts her. I plan to stay at the hospital with her till she's able to go home. Mom brings me some clothes as she visits Rachel.
I even called Pentatonix and they FaceTimed Rachel which lit her up. They told her that they are praying for her and hope she's feels better. They even invited us to go on a trip with them to Greece after their tour. We agreed to go with them. I hope and pray for the best for Rachel. She deserves better and Eric will pay for this.

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