Ch. 28 Almost Lost

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Harper POV
Bethanie and I drive Rachel to the hospital.

Bethanie: Harper hurry up! She's starting to bleed.
Harper: I am. We are almost there.

A couple of minutes later, we get to the ER. The nurses and doctors immediately noticed the blood on Rachel and took her from us. I hate seeing my best friend like this.

Harper: Where are they taking her?
Nurse Amy: They are taking her to the back. What exactly happened to her?
Bethanie: She was raped by her ex boyfriend.
Nurse Amy: Oh no. Well, she's probably gonna have some tests ran on her and if her injuries are major then she's gonna have to have surgery.
Harper: OMG!!

I began to break down and cry. Bethanie hugs me.

Bethanie: It's gonna be okay. Rachel is strong.
Nurse Amy: You ladies can wait over here.

The nurse lead us to a waiting room. Bethanie and I began to call everyone.

Danny POV
A few minutes later Jacob and I get to the hospital. Bethanie and Harper are already there in the waiting room.

Jacob: Have you heard anything?
Harper: No.
Bethanie: They said she might have to have surgery if her injuries are major since she was raped.
Danny: Oh no.

I began to cry because I hate what is happening to her. I feel horrible.

Jacob: Dude, it's gonna be okay. Rachel is strong.

Then, Mama Mel, Papa C, my parents, and Hailey arrive.

Gloria: What happened?
Danny: Rachel was raped by her ex boyfriend.
Mama Mel: No!! Not my baby!!

Mama Mel begins to cry. Papa C comforts her.

Papa C: It's gonna be okay.
Walter: Oh no.
Hailey: No!!

Hailey began to cry as well. I go and hug her.

Danny: It's gonna be okay sis.
Gloria: I hate that this happened to her.
Walter: Where's Brad and Johnathan?
Danny: They are taking care of Eric. They are gonna be here soon.

Before I even knew it they show up.

Brad: Any word on Rachel?
Bethanie: No. Did they get Eric?
Johnathan: Yeah. He's gonna be going to prison for a long time now. The cops just need a statement from Rachel, but I told them they have to wait till she recovers and to hold Eric in jail in a way he can't escape till they get the statement.
Walter: Great job.

We all sat in the waiting room waiting for someone to tell us some good news on Rachel. We are all praying our hardest that she's okay. Then, minutes turns into a couple of hours. And it's now 1:30 am. Most of everyone is asleep. But I'm wide awake.
Then, a doctor comes in. Everyone began to wake up.

Dr. Miller: You guys know Rachel Leveret?
Danny: Yes we do. I'm her boyfriend.
Dr. Miller: Oh good, I'm Dr. Miller.
Danny: How is she?
Dr. Miller: She's fine. We did have to take her into surgery because she was bleeding. She can't have sexual intercourse for about two weeks. And umm....

I have a bad feeling something else is wrong.

Harper: What is it?
Dr. Miller: Ummm...I have to ask when was the last time you two had sex?
Danny: A few weeks ago.
Dr. Miller: That explains it.
Bethanie: What? I'm so lost.
Dr. Miller: During surgery we discovered something. Apparently, Rachel was pregnant.

I'm in shock. I feel like I'm numb.

Mama Mel: What?! How?
Dr. Miller: She was about 7 weeks along.
Jacob: Is the baby okay?
Dr. Miller: I hate to say this, but no. The baby passed away due to Rachel getting raped cause of the reaction to it and that's what caused half of the bleeding.

Rachel was pregnant with our child and we lost it. It's so hard for me to process this.

Walter: OMG. This is so sad.
Gloria: So is Rachel okay?
Dr. Miller: She fine. She is a strong woman during the whole surgery. By far the most strongest patient I've had.
Brad: Where is she?
Dr. Miller: She's currently sleepy right now. We need to keep her here for at least three days. And we need to give her time before we tell her everything that has happened.
Hailey: Is it okay if we see her?
Dr. Miller: Sure, but only two at a time.
Gloria: Danny, do you want to go first?

I'm still standing in shock. Like I'm not moving or anything. I can't even speak. I just can't believe what I just heard.

Walter: Danny?
Danny: Yes.
Walter: You want to see Rachel?
Danny: Yeah.
Hailey: I'll go with you.

Hailey POV
Danny and I follow the doctor to Rachel's room. I'm holding Danny close to me because I know that this is hard for him.
We make it to her room and she is sleeping.

Dr. Miller: You have 5 minutes.

The doctor steps out of the room. I hold Danny closer to me.

Hailey: Oh Rach.

I felt tears run down my face.

Hailey: How you holding up Danny?

Danny POV
It's so hard. I felt tears come down my face. I wipe the tears.

Danny: I'm fine.

I walk up Rachel and kiss her forehead.

Danny: I love you Rachel. You can get through this baby.

Hailey and I leave the room. Everyone goes and sees her. Two by two.

Walter: Come stay with us for the night son.
Danny: No dad. Thanks.
Gloria: We aren't taking no for an answer. You are staying the night.

So I went home with mom and dad. I go to my old room and I try to fall asleep, but I can't help but think about Rachel. I just hope she's okay.

Danny: Dear God. I call on you. My girlfriend Rachel is in the hospital. I love this woman more than anything. Please assure me that she'll be okay. I love her. I want to marry her some day. Please.

I fall asleep while crying. I hope she's okay. I love her so much.

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