"So have you guys thought of the next tattoo that you like?" asked Niall not looking at us and just continued playing FIFA.

"I already thought of mine... but..." Louis answered hesitantly. He was sitting beside me and still scrolling some tattoo ideas in Google.

"I have mine! And I was thinking of putting them on my chest!"

"Hold on... Them?" Louis asked curiously. "You mean more than one? Plural?"

"Yeah, well, it's a surprise! For sure you're gonna like them!"

"On your chest, mate? That's sick!" Zayn said.

"Thank you!"

"Well, you two better be careful outside. You know our fans are just outside and paparazzi are everywhere." Liam advised. "Haz, take care of Louis, okay?"

"Hey! Now, that's rude! I think you mean, I will take care of Haz, not the other way around, Payno!"

"Well, I know you will do naughty stuffs outside. So, better ask H to guard you."

"Yeah, you have a point. But I don't want to be taken care of. Hazzy here is my baby, so I should take care of him. Right, Sunshine?" Louis hugged me closer since I was sitting in between his legs, my back was on his chest.

"Yeah! That is why you are my angel!"

"Oh, gosh! I don't want to witness this sh!t. I'm gonna go back to my bus. Zayn, wanna join me?" Liam asked Zayn as they exited the bus together with Niall. And now we were left alone making us laughed out loud.

The following morning, we finished eating our early breakfast. We didn't want to be noticed by our fans and paparazzi that we went out. Alberto drove us all the way to the tattoo shop which I called them up last night for an exclusive session.

"So, Lou, have you thought of your tattoo now?"

"Yeah. I hope it will look good." Louis was nervous.

"Well, here we are now. Let's do this! Yeah?"

We went inside the shop. The staff and tattoo artists were very friendly to us. We were separated in different rooms.

I carefully instructed my tattoo artist the tattoo that I wanted to have.

"I wanted to have two swallow birds looking at each other. Make sure that the other one is smaller than the other."

And the tattoo artist started drawing it. .

"Uhmm... Can you make the right swallow's eyebrow like mine and the left should be like this?" I told as I showed him a selfie picture of me and Louis.

The tattoo artist just smiled at me, no more questions to be asked and just did what I told. He kept on drawing and once it was finished, he showed it to me.

I gave him a thumbs-up and started the session. It was painful but I could handle it. This was what I wanted. And this tattoo simply reflected my friendship with Louis. He was my best friend and had a very special part in my heart and in my life. He was my strength and my happiness. I couldn't imagine my life in this cruel show business world without him.

When I went out, I saw Louis on the couch, sleeping. I looked at the fresh tattoo wrapped with plastic on his right arm. It was a bird too same as mine. I was surprised with his choice of tattoo but at the same time happy because we have the same thoughts and ideas. It was like a matching tattoo.

Back Home (A Larry Stylinson Beautiful Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें