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Yamada was sitting across from Aizawa in a staff meeting, it was the same thing they always talked about so he wasn't really paying attention. Yamada looked across the table to see Aizawa just staring at him, I wonder what he's thinking about. This was the 5th time this week Yamada had found Aizawa staring at him and it was only Wednesday. 

After the meeting, Yamada approached Aizawa  "hey you ok?"

"yeah I'm fine why"

 "You keep staring at me"

Aizawa widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows "I can stop if you'd like"

"its not really bothering me I just wanted to make sure you were ok"

"yeah im fine just zone out sometimes, thinking and whatnot"

Yamada tilted his head "what were you thinking about, maybe i can help?"

Aizawa raised his eyebrows and took a breath in "maybe next time, if you dont mind i have to go"

With that Aizawa walked past Yamada, well that seemed a little rushed

Once Yamada got home he sat down and started to think about what could have Aizawa so wrapped up in his own head. Lets see what happened right before he started to stare at me. On Saturday they had accidently ran into each other and Yamada had fallen on top of Aizawa, that couldn't be it right? but that's the only thing out of the ordinary that has happened. 

The next day Yamada decided to put it to a test after school, lets just see what happens if i get a little close.

Yamada sat down next to Aizawa like always but after about a hour or so of lesson planning and grading Yamada made a dramatic sigh and moved to put his head on Aizawas shoulder.

"Aiiizzaawaaa i am very bored."

Without looking from his laptop Aizawa moved his shoulder to get Yamada off "well why dont you take a break go walk around the halls"

"why dont you join me, you've been at this just as long as i have" Yamada pouted 

"if i needed a break i would have taken one" 

Yamada moved behind Aizawas chair and placed his hand on the back of it "what if i let you work for 10 more minutes and then you take one lap with me then we can finish each other off"

"finish each other off?" Aizawas breath quickened just slightly 

"yeah? your just grading your homeroom work right? I can finish that for you when were back"

"id rather just take the lap now and get it over with" 

After they took a lap together Yamada let Aizawa finish his work in peace while he went home to cook, clean and prepare for his radio show later in the week. I think i nailed down whats got Aizawa in his head.

It was Thursday after school, usually Yamada stayed for a bit after to work on planning or if there was no planning to be done train with Aizawa, but today he had gone home and changed out of his uniform and into something a little more casual. When he came back from his place he started to head towards the workroom, but found Aizawa walking in the hall instead.

"Aizawa!" Yamada waived

Aizawa made a motion with his hand meant to signal Yamada to come forward, so Yamada did. Yamada came right up behind Aizawa and pinned him to the wall from behind

"Zashi! what are you doing" 

"ive been thinking about what has you staring at me recently" Yamada got right next to his ear and whispered "if im not mistaken its how i fell on top of you Saturday right? and whatever you thought i meant when i said lets finish each other off" 

Aizawa pushed off the wall and turned around clearly about to deny that "wait what if you got it wrong what if it has nothing to do with you?"

Yamada tilted Aizawas head up "If i got it wrong then why is your face all red, why are your pupils so dilated" Yamada picked up Aizawas wrist and kissed it "then why is your pulse racing"  

Aizawa first pushed Yamada away, then grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him hard on the lips "shut up" he mumbled.

Yamada laughed "also that nicknamed you used, Zashi, I think id love to hear you moan that sometime"

Aizawa smiled "just maybe you'll get to"


Holy shit not me actually writing a new fic, anyways no promises but maybe ill get back into this

I thought about adding some X-rated stuff to this one, just let me know if yall want it and i will. 

<3 <3 <3

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