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Aizawa was at home waiting for Yamada to get home from the radio station.

 "hey shouta im home"

"you ok zashi you dont usually call me by me full name"

"yeah i was just thinking i wanna do something different"

"you wanna change jobs?"

"huh oh no like i dont know, maybe something like ...maybe i should get a hair cut"

"but then ill have nothing to pull on, but if you really wan to you can"

"thats true i do like the hair pulling, but yeah i want to but like i dont want be stared at or get judged for it. you know my image is important"

"who cares if they judge you true fans are gonna love you ether way , and if you dont wanna get stared at ill do it with you"

"whoa really, you mean it sho you would cut your hair for me"

"yeah why not it grows back, and its not like i have an image to upkeep"

"ok lets go do it tomorrow"

"alright now come here i want cuddles"

"aww so cute"

"shut up"

The next morning  they got up and went to get hair cuts, when they got there the lady behind the counter was shocked to see Present Mic 

"hi listener, we just need two hair cuts"

the lady nodded silently then said "of course come this way, someone will be out to help you r friend in just a minute"

"how short do you want it"

"cut off at least 10 inches to start"

"ok i hate to ask, but are you sure"


Someone then came out to help Aizawa "you just want a cut, do you know how short"

"yeah shave the sides but leave it a bit longer on top"

"sure thing come sit here please"

About 20 minutes later they both had finished there hair cuts, they decided to grab a bite at a near by cafe

"what do you think sho?"

"you look great, what do you think about it"

"my head feel so much lighter and also cold, i just wanna run my hands through it"

"yeah thats true, i need to go home and shower to get all the hair off my back"

"well with the way you look right now i just might have to join you"

"you like it then"

"yeah, i feel like you've had your hair short before"

"nope i just looked up styles last night"

"ah yeah i should have done that, mine dosent look as good"

"well its not as short as mine, i thought you kept yours longer so you could still put it up in your Mic style"

"thats a good point, anyways wanna go home and take that shower" Yamada said seductively

"yes!, lets go"

flash forward to Monday  

They walked in to the teacher lounge where Midnight was sitting getting ready for todays classes "woah you guys look great, when did this happen?"

"i came home after the show and wanted to do something different, and i was expressing my concerns when sh- err i mean Eraser said he would do it with me"

"aww thats nice, Although Aizawa is he not supposet to call you shouta or something"

"its fine at home but here i think it need to be professional, and i didn't think of it as nice i mean it just hair it grows back, however i will see you two later i have to get to class"

Aizawa walked into class and waited for the questions he knew was gonna come, about half didnt recognize him and the others looked shocked

"what did you play a game of truth or dare?" Bakugou asked 

"i think it looks amazing" Uraraka exclaimed

"before you ask anymore questions, i did it to support my boyfriend and thats the end of it, now get out your homework from the weekend im going to review it"

Around the end of the day when Aizawa was assigning homework Present Mic walked in to ask Eraserhead if he wanted to go see a new movie later. "hey Eraser did you wanna-"

"oh my god, Present Mic you cut your hair too" Mina squealed 

"oh that means-" Midoriya trailed off 

"what is it Deku, spit it out " Bakugou growled 

"well its not my place to say.."

"what did you want Present Mic" Aizawa asked

"well i can just ask you in a few minutes when they let school out"

"ok" After Present Mic left "i want that packet done by Wednesday and ill go over it then"

"Mina raised her hand "Mister Aizawa do you know what Deku figured out when Present Mic walked in"

"He figured out that i was dating Present Mic, have a good day ill see you tomorrow" After that Aizawa walked to the teacher lounge "so the students know"

"oh who figured it out first"

"Midoriya figured it out, i decided to confirm it for them its not a big deal, right"

"nope not a problem, i mean i think they would have figured it out eventually"

"what did you need when you came into the class room?"

"oh i mean i was just wondering if you wanted to see a movie the new one you wanted to see comes out today"

Then All Might walked in to grab some papers "whoa nice hair cuts guys"

"thank you!" Mic beemed

"yeah thanks, and yeah we could it sounds like fun lets go around 10 i have to finish grading a few things"

"ok ill be back to pick you up at 8, i have to run to the station"

"ok, see you later zashi"

"see ya sho"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ just wanted to say if you gotten this far, thank you and also to let you know that i end most of my stories on one liners like this i think its a bit more dramatic but since i know not everyone could get it, in newer stories i may try to make actual endings but no promises. thanks for reading feel free to tell me what im doing wrong or suggest ideas :)

Erasermic OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora