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Aizawa was sitting in the teachers lounge getting papers in order for Monday when Yamada walked in.

"SHoottttaaa, join us for drinks?"

"i think im just gonna go home"

"please, i got Vlad and Toshinori to come with us as well"

Aizawa looked at Yamadas pleading eyes "fine when and were"

"in a hour, just get a ride with Toshinori, he knows" Yamada left to go get ready at home

Toshinori walked in and gave Aizawa a little head nod

A few minutes Aizawa was watching Toshinori play with his hair, this wasn't the first time he had given into Yamadas pleading face or watched Toshinori play with his hair but he always assumed it was because Yamada was his beast friend, and that he didn't fully trust Toshinori so he wanted to keep an eye on him.

Toshinori looked up from his work to find Aizawa looking at him "so Yamada said that you might need a ride to the bar latter"

"yes i could use a ride, if you dont mind"

"not a problem" Toshinori gave him a half smile 

Aizawa nodded his head and focused on his work until it was time to go meet Yamada.

They got to the bar and found Yamada.

"hey guyyss, whats up, Vlad said he would be here in a minute"

Toshinori sat down and ordered a soda "ok hows the game going"

Aizawa sat down next to Yamada and ordered some kind of beer.

Yamada looked at the tv behind the bar "its going well no home runs yet but its a fierce game"

Aizawa was the first to notice Vlad when he walked in, Aizawa looked him up  and down noticing the way his jeans fit and how tight his shirt was, but that was because Aizawa wasn't blind not because he thought he was sexy or anything. 

Aizawa waved him down, then turned to Yamada and Toshinori "Vlads here"

Yamada turned and waved excitedly at him. "Vlad whats up?"

"not much to be honest i was surprised to see Aizawa here"

Aizawa tilted his head "what can i say i never turn down a drink"

Vlad was gonna say something but Yamada cut in "yeah its equally hard to convince you two to come out"

They all sat there until Vlad and Yamada were tipsy enough to go dance, Aizawa could help but stare at them, damn when did hizashi learn to dance..vlaadd is doing his beast i guess. He looked at Toshinori "your not gonna drink"

Toshinori touched his side "i cant drink after this"

"ah of course"

Aizawa and Toshinori turned to watch the dance floor while talking about the hero training class. Aizawa looked over a few times to see Toshinori messing with his hair or something else, eventually Yamada came back from dancing.

"hey you guys wanna join us" Yamada smiled 

Toshinori stood up "actually i have to go i have to be up in the morning but i had a good time thanks"

"no problem"

Yamada and Aizawa waved him goodbye 

Aizawa looked around "were did Vlad go?"

"oh you know, He went home with some chick he meet on the floor"

"ah ok"

The bartender put the food Aizawa had ordered a bit ago in front of him. 

Yamada looked at the food "whoa  you mind i have some?"

"no go on i wont eat it all anyways" Aizawa split the burger in half and gave one half of it to Yamada. 

After they had fished Yamada was pretty much sober. Aizawa found himself looking at Yamada lips 

"is there something on my face?" Yamada questioned

Aizawa shook his head "huh?, yeah, here take this he handed him a napkin"

Yamada wiped his face "are we still down for training tomorrow?"

"yeah of course but we should leave soon if we want to get anything out of it"

"alright ill see you tomorrow then"

Aizawa left and headed home and laid down on his bed. He only got about an hour of sleep before he woke up to find a mess in his pants, fuck what was i dreaming about ...hizashi! no then what is this for

He got up and took a shower and sat down to go back to bed, before the thought of Vlads body came back and Toshinori playing with his hair. What hit him the hardest was Yamadas eyes and the way his mouth looked, what is ..why am i thinking about them like this. Aizawa noticed himself become aroused again and it hit, could i ....could i be gay. He thought about every thing how he never seem to be interested in dating a girl how easy it was for Yamada to get him to come out but Nemuri never had a chance.

After a few hours of thinking about it and become slowly more aroused by the thoughts. He decided to get off to the thought of what he could do to Yamada if Yamada was interested, this is bad i shouldn't be doing this hes my friend. Aizawa blushed, but the tiredness was setting in and he decided to sleep.

Aizawa woke up the next morning to a text from Yamada telling him how he was gonna kick his ass. Aizawas shame returned he couldn't go train with Yamada now not with everything that happend last night, what if he doesn't wanna see me anymore or it become awkward between us. Aizawa fell back to sleep.

Yamada walked in to find Aizawa asleep on his bed. He went to check Aizawas temperature and woke him up "hey you ok you missed our training"

Aizawa looked at Yamada worried face he just blushed and put his face into a pillow.

did Aizawa just blush? "hey did something happen we can talk about it"

Aizawa just shook his head no.

Yamada dragged the blankets off Aizawa and pulled him into a upright position "come on, you know im always here for you no matter what"

Aizawas blushed depend but he dared to make eye contact with Yamada "you mean it no matter what?"

"yeah Sho, whats going on"

Aizawa turned his face away and was struggling not to cry "i think" He paushed "i think i might be" Aizawa shook his head 

Yamada saw how upset he was "you think you might"

Aizawa nodded his head slightly 

"oh Shhhooo thats not a problem, actually i think a few things just clicked for me" 

Aizawa looked at him "your ok with it?"

"Aizawa" Yamada laughed "didnt i tell you i was bisexual?"

"oh, you are"

"yeah dont worry about it, now that im thing about it i guess you did seem to staire at me a lot"

"yeah sorry about that"

"like i said not a problem besides now i might finally get a chance to sleep with you"

Aizawa looked at Yamada with shock 

"oh dont be so surprised, lets go eat it will be fun"

Aizawa laughed "alright lets go"

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