i know

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TW : more domestic abuse but with a ok ending

"Im sorry Sho, will you feel better in the morning? you know i love you"

Aizawa touched the new cut on his head, i dont think this one will need stitches at least "i know Hizashi, i know you dont mean it"

Aizawa had been just started dating Yamada about 6 months ago and it had only taken 2 months for him to figure out that his long time friend had been hiding an abusive nature

"can i get you a bandage?"

"no this isnt bad, just a scratch, lets go to bed im tired"

The next morning Aizawa woke up to find Yamada in the kitchen making breakfast, it was 5am they had about two hours before school started.

"what are you doing up so early, Sho?"

"i was gonna take a shower, breakfast?"

"yeah wanna eat?" Yamada said tensely 

"im not that hungry right now" is this gonna be a fight

Yamada stepped towards Aizawa "come on love im sure your hungry, i mean, i put a lot on effort into this"

"ok i guess im a little hungry" this is not a battle i need right now. He thought as he rubbed his head

Aizawa ate at least half of everything even though he really hadnt been hungry, then he went to finally take a shower, Yamada slipped in the shower a few minutes after Aizawa had gotten in

"Hizashi what are you doing?"

"im kissing your neck, i think you know what im doing"

"were going to be late" why does he have to be so affectionate after each fight...

Aizawa had learned to pick his battles wisely and sex was never a battle he choose to fight about, half because those fights could get bad and half because Yamada really knew what he was doing. They got to school with five minutes before the bell Aizawa rushed to the lounge to grab the papers he needed for class that day. Yamada sat down and looked for the test he needed to print fro his English classes later that day.

"good morning to day were going to go over the packet i gave you last class"

Uraraka raised her hand "did you get in a fight sir?"

"yes, now stop worrying about me and get your work out"

At the end of the day Aizawa went to the lounge to grade the packets he had collected from the students the only other person there was Midnight, i wonder were Hizashi got off to. 

"not teaching the hero course today Eraser?"

"not today All Might is teaching it, have you seen Mic"

"yeah he said he was going home like 10 minutes ago"

"ah thank you"

Aizawa got about halfway through grading papers before he got a text from Yamada

H: hey sho when are you coming home

ill text him back in a little bit, He had finished grading papers before he realized he had forgotten to text Yamada back, shit well it doesn't matter now ill have to face him when i get home anyways

Aizawa got home and stood outside of the door for a second before bracing himself and going in


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