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  Aizawa woke up to the sound the sound of his alarm telling him that it was 6:30am. It was the latest he could wake up and still get to school on time. huugh its too early why cant the trains come later. He dragged him self out of bed, threw on his uniform and went to brush his teeth before heading out to wait for the train that would take him to school

Yamada woke up to a rock song. what time is it?...6 ok were golden just enough time to do my hair and eat. He went to the bathroom grabbed his hair gel and styled his hair, then he went downstairs and made toast and grabbed an apple before catching the city bus to school.

Aizawa was sleeping in the classroom when Yamada got there.

"hey Aizawa take this" he said while handing him the apple

"why do i need an apple?"

"well i was told we were doing one on one training with our classmates today, and i know you didn't eat breakfast"

"oh ok thanks"

"no probs" i hope i get paired up with him today i need to practice my close combat moves

"hey Yamada whats up?" Nemuri called out

"my hair" Yamada teased

"nice, you know what were doing today?"

"one on one combat training for the sports festival"

"aww shame i was hopeing we were gonna do something fun"

"what do you mean that is fun"

"maybe for you mister i get to scream all day, nobody here is challenging enough i just put them to sleep"

"even Aizawa?"

Before she could answer the teacher came in

"alright everyone sit down. If you have been paying attention you know that later on today we will be do one on one fighting to prepare you all for the sports festival, but for now ill be handing out packets that will review what i talked about this week and last week i want at least half of it done before lunch"

By the time lunch had rolled around Aizawa had finished the packet while Nemuri and Yamada had nearly half done.

"Aizawa how did you get done so faassstt" Yamada wined

"i dont know it didnt seem that hard to me"

"show off" Nemuri said as she stuck her tounge out

"it was an easy packet if you look at everything logically"

"anyways who do you think your gonna get paired up with for training today" 

'I dont know i dont care it shouldnt be a long battle ether way i just need to work on using my capture weapon if they let us you our gear, what about you Yamada, what do you need to work on"

"uuuummm i think mostly close combat depending on who i get"

"if you need help i could help you after school sometimes instead of you dragging me to the arcade"

"aww but i love the arcade, but yeah maybe ill have to take you up on that offer"

After they all made small talk until lunch ended. when they got into the classroom they got another hour to do there packets and then it was time for hero training.

"you guys will draw lots to decide who you will be fighting against. you will have 30 minutes to make you opponent submit or render them unable to move. there will be ten groups and five will go at one time. Go get your hero costumes on and get ready" 

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