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 Its a Aizawa stalker AU!

so pretty, hes so pretty Aizawa thought as he looked up the lastest new story featuring Present Mic. i wonder what it would be like to hold him in my arms braid his hair. yes that would be fun..what time is its 11:50am i should go over to his radio station to get more pictures. Aizawa got to the radio station around 12:15, so he climbed up a buildings fire escape and waited.

Present Mic arrived at the station around 12:30.  He looked around beacuse he felt like he was being watched was wasn't usually a problem except he could felt pressure on his throat like he couldn't speak and this wasn't an isolated incident. "hey boss did you see anyone hanging around outside"

"no,not anybody we haven't seen before you know people coming home from the clubs and walks of shame, why someone bugging you"

"no i guess im just feeling uneasy"

"well if it gets to bad you can always go to the police, or i mean your a prop hero you can investigate yourself, now are you ready to start the show?"

"yeah my ill see if i can see some footage of the area, and yes lets get this party started"

Aizawa was going over some of the picture on his camera, i guess ill got to the over night dinner and listen while i wait for him to be done. Aizawa didnt always wait for Mic to be done but recently he had been more desperate to actually make contact with him. i wonder what it would be like to talk to him i bet it would be amazing he voice is beautiful. It was around 5:15 and Aizawa had lost track of time, shit its to late now hes probably gone home by now. Right before Aizawa was about to pack up and leave  when Present Mic walked in...

"hey can i get a seat" Yamada asked wearily

"sure thing love sit ware you'd like a waitress with be out to take your order in a minute"

Yamada sat down on the other side of the diner before he notice Aizawa staring at him, i wonder what hes on about kinda creepy. When he made eye contact with Aizawa, Aizawa quickly looked away and stood up, shit is he gonna come over and try and talk to me. Instead of trying to go over and talk to him he just when to the counter and payed for his meal and left , weird maybe some kinda fan who was nervous to meet me.

holy hell i cant believe he just walked in to the bar like that that was the closest ive ever been i should change that, i know i am a hero and there is a job opening at UA i should apply. When he got home he immediately started to work on the photos he took tonight before the show, good photos imagine if i got to work with him i could see him on a daily basis. Aizawa work on the photos for another hour or so before applying to the teacher position and falling asleep.

When Yamada got home he sat down at his desk, i guess i should work on my English plans for the upcoming year but maybe ill sleep a little bit. Instead of falling asleep he decided to email the police and see if he could see some of the footage of the cameras outside the station, ok now all i have to do is wait for them to respond hopefully i can have access to it, then he worked on his lesson plans for a little bit before passing out at his computer.

Aizawa woke up around 1pm and immediately went to check his emails, and was happy to find that UA had emailed him back

Mister Aizawa                                                                                                                                                                                                we would love to have you as a member of our staff would you please report to the principles office at 3pm today for your interview.

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