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Aizawa and Yamada were doing some work in the teachers lounge after school one day when Jiro walked in. Aizawa looked up expecting that she had a question for him, but she tapped on Present Mics shoulder.

Present Mic looked up "whats up little listener?"

"i was wondering if you could help me with understanding or improving my quirk more like the volume part" She pointed at his speaker "or maybe helping me find a way to improve my costume to wake it more effective" 

Present Mic tilted his head and thought about it "sure i cant help a little bit, but not right now maybe tomorrow?"

Jiro gave him a small smile "yeah sure, thank you"

After Jiro left Present Mic looked at Aizawa. "do you have any pointers or facts about her quirk that could help me?"

"her quirk is pretty straightforward and stable, she can plug in her ear jacks and hear sound that travels through whatever there plugged into she can also plug them in a aux and amplify her heartbeat" 

"i guess i can work with that"

Aizawa put his papers away "are you ready to go home?"

"yeah let me just put this away"

Aizawa and Yamada got home and ate before taking showers and going to bed.

They woke up as usual Yamada had to drag Aizawa out of bed so he could eat before going to school.

"Shhooo your going to be late"

Aizawa shot out of bed "ok, ok im up, im up"

They got to school right on time. The day continued on as normal until Jiro approached Present Mic after English

"when did you wanna meet up and were?"

Present Mic looked down "after school you can meet me in the 4th field" 

"ok thank you!"

Present Mic quickly entered the lounge after school, as he was walking out Midnight called out to him "ware are you off to so quickly?"

"im helping a student with there quirk"

"have fun!"

Present Mic walked out and waited for Jiro to show up. He saw her running up a few minutes later in her hero costume.

"so what did you want to work on today, i had Aizawa explain your quirk but if there is  something else than what he knows it be best to tell me"

"theres not much to it, thats why i need your help"

"how do you use it against other people? say a villain"

"i can stick them with one of my jacks and my heart beat would go through them"

Present Mic debated about weather he wanted to fight and risk getting stabbed with jack "lets fight, and ill see what you can do before  i try to fix anything"


Present Mic almost got stuck one when he was fighting close range but as soon as he made space and started to use his voice to help she didn't have much of a chance.

Present Mic stopped and held his  hands up "alright thats enough"

jiro stood still "so whats the verdict"

"you need close combat skills, you should ask Aizawa for that its not my thing. I can attempt to help you with your sound though you need to meditate so you can control your heartbeat" Present Mic touched the inside of her wrist to get her pulse "see its really fast,  of you can control your heat beat you can control your sound better, maybe you should work on your cardio as well so its not so high after one fight"

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