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Present Mic had hit Eraserhead with his hair for the last time........

"I dont even know why your hair is that stiff!"

"It needs to stay up thats why, Why do you care now?!"

"look at the paper it has a HUGE line Through it, Midoriya is gonna freak!"

"just tell him what happend!"

"what do you want me to say, Like sorry Present Mic and his stupid hair hit me so i drew a Line threw all YOUR work?!!!"

Midnight entered the room because of all the noise. could this be because of there obvious new relationship together, this stuff doesn't usually bother Eraser? Midnight had noticed them coming and going together more often so she questioned Mic knowing that she would never get Eraser to tell her. She decided to make tea and wait for them to stop arguing. 

All Might was sitting across from her trying to block out the noise, but with Present Mics quirk it was impossible. ive never really seen Eraserhead get upset about anything before i wonder what wrong today, im just gonna put my head down till they get done or leave.

"WHHHAAAATTT  not everyone in class A has better hair than me????"

"yes they do."

"oh, oh im Shouta Aizawa and Class A is so much better than anyone else, even though i can barely see them though my greasy hair, not to mention all the time i spend sleeping while they worrrrkkk!" Present Mic said doing his best impression of Eraserhead

"Yeah and im Yamada Hizashi and im nothing but a Bitchy bottom!" 

Present Mic just stood there with his mouth open....then Midnight chimed in 

"soooo Mic is the bottom!"

All Might who had been trying to ignore it questioned "wait Present Mic is gay?"

Present Mic still hadn't said anything.  Eraserhead walked out of the room and ran into Kirishima.

"your not supposed to be on school grounds right now."

"yeah but i was hopping to come get some of the work i missed today because i came in late."

"i dont have any on me right now but ill give it to you tomorrow, but in the future you should show up on time if you dont want to miss work." 

Then Eraserhead turned and walked away. Present Mic poked his head out of the door and ran to catch up with Kirishima.

"hey i was just wondering how long were you standing there??"

"i knocked but i guess you guys didnt hear me but i guess about 10 minutes."

"In that case do you think you could keep what you heard to yourself?"

"yeah shouldn't be a problem, No worries your secret is safe with me"

"awesome your the best little one"

ok so Kirishima's not gonna tell anyone but now all might knows and midnight already knows what should i do, i do i apologize but i hit him or was it worse for him to out us...

Aizawa had got to the train station. i cant believe i said that now everyone knows...well not everynone but more people know and, oh no Kirishima is gonna tell everyone. Shit im so stupid. i just wanna go home and sleep forever.

"Aizawa! wait"

Aizawa turned around to see Hizashi running at him

"Shouta whats wrong why did you get so mad?"

"i-i dont know im just not feeling the best recently and i guess you hit my last nerve, im sorry i shouldn't have said what i said back there and now everyone is gonna know and i dont wanna answer all those questions"

"oh dont worry about it i ask Kirishima to keep it quiet and he said he wouldn't tell anyone"

"thank you zashi i really dont what id do with out you, i am really sorry im pretty sure you didnt want people to know your the bottom"

"yeah i didnt but only 3 people know....and besides im sure you can find a way to make it up to me" Hizashi said with a playful look in his eyes 

"yeah and how would i do that?"

"i think you know"

"tomorrow if you wanna come over after school im sure i can figure something out by then" 

"you wanna go get dinner now anyways?"

"no honestly i wanna go home and sleep you wanna come watch moives together we can order in."

"yeah that sounds great id love too, lets go"

Erasermic OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now