Kidding Around

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It was a few days after everyone had moved into the dorms, and it was a nice day outside 

"hey did anyone wanna have a lunch outside today?"  Uraraka asked

"sure being outside is very healthy" Tenya stated

"yeah me and Kirishima will join" Midoriya  replied

"im down, so is momo" Asui said

"anyone else, no, ill start making something and the boys can find a blanket and some bored games" 

In the teachers housing Aizawa sat grading some papers, maybe i should go outside and read a bit after all its a nice day out . About 10 minutes later he decided to sit in view of class A dorms because Tenya had shot him a text letting him know what they were up to and he wanted to make sure they stayed out of trouble.

 "did you guys get the stuff" Momo questioned

"yeah we got the blanket and some bored games, also a deck of cards" Kirishima answered

After they sat down and started eating Midoriya noticed Aizawa sitting about 30-40 feet away, He brought it to the groups attention but Tenya suggested he probably wanted to be left alone to do whatever he was doing.

About 3 minutes after Aizawa noted that they started eating he got a text from Yamada 

Y: ware are you?

A: sitting around outside class A dorms

A few minutes after that he heard someone running towards him from behind, i bet thats Hizashi. He bookmarked his place and braced for impact, sure enough Hizashi came and tackled him from the side. After Aizawa pushed Yamada off of him. "Hizashi what are you doing?"

"im enjoying a nice day by playing tag with you"

"that was tag"

"no that was hello, im just informing you of the intention"

"why would we play tag, what are you 15?"

"always" he winked "come ooonnn it'll be fun. Its such a beautiful day why waste it"

"ill right but when i catch up to you im tackling you"

"sure, sure if you can catch me" 

Then Yamada got up a started running away, Aizawa got up to chase him. They ended up in front of class As dorms while Yamada was trying to run back towards Aizawas book but Aizawa kept blocking him

"do you think there fighting?" Momo whispered

"no i dont think so there both smiling" Asui whispered back

Then Yamada made a break for it but  Aizawa turned on a dime and hit him right in the stomach when he tackled him 

"when did you get fast?" Yamada wheezed 

"well i have to keep up with you most days, so you can blame yourself" He looked at Yamada who was still laying on the ground "you still wanna play?"

"yes" He replied while tripping Aizawa "your it!" 

"You Cheat!" Aizawa yelled and started after Yamada for the second time 

Now all the students were watching 

"are they playing tag?" Midoriya mumbled 

"that looks like the most manly version of tag" Kirishima beamed 

"i dont think iv ever seen Mister. Aizawa have so much fun" Uraraka chimed in

As Aizawa and Yamada circled again back around towards the students, Aizawa tried to tackle Yamada again but missed "missed me, missed me now you gotta kiss me" He teased 

"what did you just say?" he asked as he was slowly walking towards Yamada

Yamada backed up "your not gonna fool me with that?"

"shame" Aizawa ran at Yamada and managed to grab his wrist and trip him forward with his hand behind his back then he leaned close in his ear "Tag your it"

Yamada stood up and lowered his voice "aww come on sho dont pull that in front of your students"

Aizawa looked over to where his student were sitting, and as he did Yamada tackled him straight on

"that was dirty Hizashi"

Yamada tilted his head and smirked "not as dirty as you Sho"


"did you wanna see if your students wanna join"

Aizawa looked over "i dont know, they dont really see me as the fun one"

"well then ill ask, besides they've been watching you all day, i think your secret is out"

"witch one?"

"now they know you can have fun"

"shut up" He smiled as he pushed Yamada and walked over to the group sitting outside "would you guys like to join us"

"id love to" Kirishima exclaimed "what about you guys" he looked behind him the rest nodded enthusiastically

"all right listeners a few rules then, First no quirk usage its just regular tag, and Second lets not tackle each other cant have ya getting hurt on your day off"

A few minutes later they were all set up and ready to go

"Ready. Said. Go!"

After that they all played tag for the next two hours with little breaks in between. At the end of the day they were all tired and Aizawa sent the student inside to get cleaned up and prepare for dinner. While Aizawa and Yamada went back to were his book was

"see i told you tag was gonna be fun"

"yeah it was a nice to see them so carefree for a little bit after everything thats happend and the added stress of them trying to get there provisional licences"

"yeah, its ok sho im sure everything will work out as it needs to, did you wanna head inside its getting dark"

"no lets stay outside for just a bit longer, lets watch the stars for a bit, i mean were only here once"

"so dramatic, but ok lets watch the stars"

Aizawa had passed out with in 10 minutes of the stars coming out, he must be tired from all that flat out running. Yamada carried him back to there housing and put him on the bed to rest ,while he went to take a shower. He got out of the shower, then decided to go cuddle with Aizawa untill they feel asleep together.

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