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Aizawa had been over at Hizashis house while his building was being renovated...where did i put my bag with all the students home work. he looked up from his work station and looked around the lounge for it 

"looking for something Eraser?"

"yeah, did you see a black bag full of papers at your house?"

"not that i can remember wanna come over and look for it."

"yeah let me finish up my lesson plan here and then ill be over."

"ok ill just stay here and we can get a bite to eat before we go home"


A half an hour later Aizawa finished planing.

"ready to go Hizashi?"

he looked up from his papers "yeah what did you wanna eat?"

"dosent matter to me its up to you"


"yeah lets go"

they got the sushi place and sat down 

"so how are my student doing in English?"

"there doing ok i mean its a hard language its all mixed and the grammar is just so confusing. i mean i think the only reason i speak English as well as i do is because i went to america for a little bit"

"should i put more English in there study packets?"

"you could because they're struggling but so is everybody else, so if you want you can but its not pressing"

"huh ok i guess i wont then or maybe ill give it to the student i feel dont push themselves to study outside of the class work i give them."

"how are they doing as hero's?"

"quite well considering i mean i haven't decided to expel anyone this year so that a first"

"you must really see something in them i guess, or your getting soft"

"im not getting soft, it just the first time ive seen a class ware i think their all capable of become heros"

"so soft hahaha"

"oh shut up."

"ok whatever you say mister big softy"

"what did you say"

"learn English and find out"

"im gonna kick you ass next time we train together"

"im sure you will, ready to go?"

"yeah i need to find that bag"

"whats in it?"

"some papers i need to grade"

"ah yes important"

They got to Hizashis place and Aizawa started looking for the bag. maybe its in the closet i didnt use it but maybe i put it there, ah that looks like my bag let me double check....When Aizawa open the bag he jumped and hit the wall mainly because he didnt expect Hizashi to own a gun. what in the earth dose Hizashi need a gun for?

"you ok Shouta did you find your bag?"

Aizawa walked out with the gun in hand "Hizashi why do you own a gun?"

"oh that its mainly because i come across criminals that have some sort of immunity to my voice, so having a gun means problem solved"

"why is it hidden in you spare closet?"

"it because its my spare the other one i keep on my person in the small of my back"

"also people have immunity to your voice?"

"yeah like if there deaf or dont have ears, or what if they have a eraser quirk like yours. you can erase my quirk all you want it doesn't matter if i can shoot you in the leg."

"i should think about getting bullet resistant clothing"

"yeah maybe but your pretty good at getting out of the way"

"ok ill go put this back and imma continue to look for my papers"

A few hours later...

"i give up i cant find it"

"you checked everywhere?"

"yeah, im just gonna sit here and watch movies  with you"

"awww, cuddles"

"shut up"

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