Tied up

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18+ there is actually smut at the end, so ya know wanted to warn ya'll

It was right after graduation and Nemuri and Yamada were looking for a place to live while Aizawa was looking for some room mates he didnt know Yamada but was friends with Nemuri so he let both of become his roommates. 

"alright who wants to play some music i bought alcohol" Yamada busted in the house

"im down, mini dance party lets do it" Nemuri  shouted turning up the music

Aizawa was in his room just waking up from a nap and trying to read before he went out to do hero work later. Then he heard the other two blasting music, fucking 20 year olds i wasn't like that when i was there age. He thought thinking back 5 years ago, what time is it maybe ill just start now...only 6pm i have two hours. He threw his head back on to the pillow, ill eat then take a shower maybe it will be time then.

Aizawa walked out of the room Nemuri came bounding up to him.

"did you wanna join?"

"no thanks i have hero work in two hours"

"shame i thought if both you and Yamada got drunk you would finally talk to each other"

Aizawa looked over at the blond dancing near the radio "we talk sometimes"

Yamada looked over his shoulder and saw Aizawa looking at him. Yamada just gave him a awkward smile and wave. Yamada wasn't usually awkward but he couldn't help it Aizawa was five years older and seemed kinda straight edge, not to mention Yamada thought he was kinda hot.

Nemuri sighed "barely"

"tell you what if ya'll are still at it by the time i get home, ill join"

Aizawa grabbed some food and went back to his room to eat and shower.

Nemuri walked over to Yamada "what was with the stupid smile and lil wave" she imitated what she thought he looked like

"what i was just being nice" 

"sure you were" she had a little glint in her eye that he was a bit weary of 

"shut up lets drink" he stated 

Aizawa heard the music go up, ok im gonna take a shower and leave no matter the time, By the time he got out of the shower it was 7:30, still early but i cant hear myself think so ill just go. He put on his hero costume and goggles, he grabbed his capture weapon and walked out of the room heading towards the front door

"looking good Erassserhead!" Nemuri beamed

"thanks" He shouted back as he left.

Aizawa got back to the apartment around 10am, he had gotten a nasty cut on his arm but he was gonna stitch it himself, When he got inside he saw Yamada at the table eating some sort of creral while Nemuri was nowhere in sight.

"is she in her room"

Yamada nodded 

Aizawa got her a cup of water and some aspirin and put on her nightstand. Then went to his room and changed into sweatpants and grabbed the stitch kit, then he went to sit at the table so he could stitch his arm with out getting blood everywhere.

"do you have a problem with blood?" Aizawa looked at Yamada

Yamada shook his head no

"did you by any pure alcohol"

Yamada grabbed a bottle from behind him and gave it to Aizawa, i wonder what hes gonna do the involves blood and alcohol

Then Aizawa opened the kit and out the string through the needle and put his arm on the table. He then poured some of the alcohol on the wound and took a swing of it for himself.

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