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After a exhausting day all Aizawa wanted to do was go home and sleep in silence.i swear im gonna loose it if i have to deal with one more thing that involves noise. Hizashi had notice him looking more tired than usual. I wonder if sho is ok maybe ill see if hes up for a date night in.

Aizawa was at home drifting in and out of sleep. when the door opened. sigh i just want quiet.

"hey sho you ok i brought food and earmuffs for you"

" oh Hizashi its you."]

"yeah you looked a bit tired or irritated so i thought id come over, wanna tell me about it, then ill put on a moive and cook something for us but i can put on captions if ya dont wanna actually listen to the tv"

"yeah that sounds great id love that"

"so what happend"

"well this morning i was on the way to school and i saw some kid about to jump off a building, a lot of the other heros on the scene couldn't get up there with out being noticed and i guess they were to afraid if they went up he was gonna jump. I knew i could sneak up there so i did and caught him with my capture weapon before he could fall...."

"and thats good right?"

"yeah, but he ended up being only 15 so the media wanted to come over and talk  to me and i had to be there for 30 minutes trying to leave and they wouldn't stop talking"

"is that all i know you hate the media"

"yeah i do, but then i got to school and i needed to get the kids to decide something i dont remember what it was at the moment and of course Bakugou and Midoriya were fighting the whole time and the class couldn't seem to agree on anything i think the only quiet ones were Todoroki and Idia...."

"isnt your morning always like that or did it maybe get to you more because of the media this morning?"

"yeah maybe, you know how you had to be out during the time class A has English."

"yeah i was called out for a meeting, but they gave you a sub right"

"yeah but theirs only one other hero that knows English well enough to teach it..... and thats All Might, so when he came in the whole class got even more exited and then they got worried and were wondering were you were and i guess All Might didnt really know what to do so he just asked if they had questions"

"about English?"

"no about anything, and of course they did so the spent the entire time just like talking or more like giving them speeches on how to be a hero."

"yeah whats wrong with that i mean other then the talking"

" i just think that these kids need to figure out for themselves what it means to be a hero and not have All Might keep telling them his ideals, what if they doubt themselves  because they dont have a flashy quirk or they dont wanna be in the spotlight and they think that makes them less of a hero?"

"thats a good point, but ive seen the kids in your class they have what it takes all of them, well maybe minis the little perv you get there" 

"yeah i mean other then that stuff there was the regular thing of Midnight trying to get information about us or trying to get me to go out"

"yeah ok that seems like a hard day for you im gonna make okayu and some onigiri, also while i do that put these earmuffs on there made to cancel noise out you shouldn't be able to hear anything"

"ok thank you zashi ill set up the movie, what movie do you want to watch"

"umm do you mind if we watch a romantic comedy"

"sure ill put one in"

After Aizawa put the movie in he fell asleep while Hizashi cooked. Hizashi came around the couch when he was done and he set the food down to look at Shouta. man sho is so cute when he sleeps poor thing at least tomorrow should be better it cant get worse can it ill try to be quiet for the next few days... "hey sho you ready to eat?"

he taped him on the shoulder. "you ready?" Aizawa woke up but kept the earmuffs so Hizashi put the captions on so Aizawa could still enjoy the movie. Eventually they both fell asleep on the couch. 

When Hizashi woke up the next morning he was greeted with eggs coffee. Aizawa came over and gave him a kiss "hey i appreciate last night zashi i really needed it"

"yeah its not problem, you know id do anything for you"

"love you Hizashi"

"i love you too Sho"

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