New/More Notes

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Hi if you get this far thank you i really appreciate you. i just wanted to put a few things down that might help you understand the story's more

When i refer to the heros by Present Mic, Eraserhead and midnight im implying  that they are in costume expect for when the students call Aizawa, Aizawa  when hes in class

straight bolded words like this mean its being said in English 

if its italicized its a thought , how ever if it has an underline its music or lyrics 

i also add any notes or warning in bolded underline

I think thats about it as always feel free to comment even if your correcting me on something or telling me how i could make it better or if you have any pictures or songs you would like me to see if i can write to ill check it out or if you  have a straight up prompt for me ill see what i can do

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