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Ashley's P.O.V

Everyone is currently at Chicago for the last show of the tour. Next week Is me and Luke's anniversary which I'm super excited about. Luke has been going out a lot which is kinda worrying me, but I trust him. Right now the boys are preforming Daylight and me and the girls are backstage waiting for them.

The show ends and the boys say their goodbyes as they walk off stage. Luke runs to me picking me up and twirling me into his arms "you did amazing!" I exclaim kissing his face "thanks babe" he smiles "oh I want you to meet Harry and Liam's girlfriends at the after party since this was our last show" Luke says trying to hug me again, I reject and say "your all sweaty Luke" I groan "I don't care" he says hugging me anyway "go take a shower" I giggle as Calum pulls him to the shower room. "Soooo were gonna meet two girls today" Madelyn says from behind me "I guess so" I shrug. It's gonna be weird since it's always been me,Alissa and Madelyn but were always up for someone new. The girls and I put a little bit of a smokier eye on and waited for the boys in the car. Once they finally came into the car we headed to the destination.

We arrived at the party and we walked in "follow us" Michael instructs leading us to a crowd "hi guys" Calum says hugging Niall "hey" the boys from 1D say (Niall,Louis,Liam,Harry and Zayn) "so this is my girlfriend Mystree" Liam introduces us to a beautiful brown haired girl who was about my size "hi" she smiled as I gave her a friendly hug welcoming her to our side. "This is my girlfriend Emily" Harry introduces me to this beautiful blond haired, a little taller than me, blue eyed girl standing In front of me. "Wow" Luke mumbled which had me worried he liked her "hi" she smiled as I hugged her "holy sh*t" Calum said shocked "what?" me and Emily say together "you guys look" Luke stumbled "almost like sisters" Alissa says shocked. Me and Emily eye each other and turn our heads. We did look alike. But I'm the only child. i huffed out "good cause I thought you liked her for a second" I confess hugging Luke "don't worry babe I love you" he coos hugging me "wait" Alissa says making me and Emily look at her. She calls Ashton over who was getting a drink over at the bar over "yeah babe?" he asks but stops himself when he sees us "whoa look!" exclaims pointing to me and Emily "this is weird" Alissa says looking at us "you guys look like sisters" "do u have any siblings?" Alissa questions Emily "I dunno i was adopted" she confesses "Omg" Alissa says covering her mouth "do u know your real parents?" "no all I know is my mom got pregnant at a young age and gave me up" Alissa thought for a moment before pulling us with her. We didn't question where she was going but me and Emily and everyone else knew where we were going. Alissa was so wound up about this that she took us to get a blood test. Yes you heard me correctly a blood test. Alissa is that person who takes things to the top before she gets any more evidence. We arrived at the hospital and Alissa signed us in. Luke held my hand while Alissa held Ashlyn In her arms with Ashton making faces at her. Calum was texting, you guessed it Bianca. While Michael tried breaking into the venting machine across the room. "Ashley and Emily please" the nurse with light brown hair said looking up from her clipboard. We both stand up and walk into the room she led us too, Alissa wasn't too far behind. We sat down on the bed thing and Alissa sat on a chair as did the doctor "so what is it?" The doctor said clicking her pen "well I want a blood test" Alissa demanded "why?" asked the nurse "they may or may not be long lost sisters. We want to see if they are" she explained "okay hold on a second" she said getting up and existing the room. Me and Emily smiled at each other just thinking we could we sisters was crazy! it makes me question why they gave her up? or why I never heard of her? The doctor walked back In with her supplies such as needles and scanners. She took Emily's blood first then mine. An hour later she came in with the results "hello girls" she smiled sitting down again "hello" we both waved "so we have the results, are you positive you want to know?" she asked, I looked at Emily who nodded her head as did I "ok well the test shows you are.........sisters, congratulations!" She said hugging us and shaking everyone's hands. Me and Emily stare at each other and hug. It felt nice to have a sibling. "Welcome to the family" I whispered in her ear "I'm glad to be" she whispered back.

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