He loves me, he loves me not

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I get up out of bed and stretch ugh school again or should I say a meeting with the devil. I got changed Into a pink sweatshirt from Victoria Secret that my mom had gotten me along with VS black leggings and some black converse. I put foundation,powder,mascara and eyeliner doing a cat eye as makeup. I went into the bathroom and straightened my hair and brushed my teeth also checking to make sure I didn't leave a bruise or cut in site. I ate an apple down stairs as I waited for the boys to be ready. My twitter was already blowing up from people at my school saying "slut" "worthless" "die" and much much more. Soon a tear left my eye and slid down my cheek. I rushed up to the bathroom and fixed my makeup and hopped in Luke's car and headed to school.

I kissed Luke goodbye and hugged the boys. I was walking to my locker when Amanda tripped me and my things went everywhere! I stood up and looked at her. "Hey" my best and only friend Alissa says helping me pick up my books. "Hey" I answer back. Me and Alissa met when I met the boys manly because she's dating Ashton. Me and Alissa walked to my locker placing my book bag and random books in it. "Sorry about what happened back there" she says hugging me. "It's fine I'm used to it by now, and it's gonna get worst once they find out I'm dating Luke." I say looking down. "I got to go or I'm gonna be late, text me later,okay maybe we can hit up Starbucks" she says hugging me. I nod and start walking to first period witch is math. I take my seat and face the front of class. "Slut" I keep hearing behind me. I turn around and see Amanda and her gang Gina, Alexa and Mackenzie. "See she knows she's a

Slut that's why she turned around" Gina says toward Alexa. I roll my eyes and turn around. "worthless fatty a** peasant." I hear Mackenzie say to Amanda as she laughs. The bell rings finally! I rush out the door to my locker and I see Luke standing there. "Hey babe how's everything going?" he asks me "fine." is all I say as I open my locker. "now I know that's not true, what happened?" he asks me "I'll tell you later okay?" I say looking into his blue eyes. He nods and kisses my lips "love you babe!" he yells going to second period. "He doesn't really love you I hope u know that." Gina says "he does too!" I yell at her "then why does he have a make out session everyday with Amanda in the schools projection room after second period!" she yells at me. I run away to Social Studies luckily Alissa's in this class she will help me. "Hey Alissa I need your help, Gina said that Luke has a make out session everyday after second period, and I need to see if that's true or not! Will you help me?" "of course we'll find out together okay?"

After second period ended we run up to the projection room and wait out side the door. Soon I see Luke walking up the stairs to go into the projection room. He opens the door and shuts it behind him. "Ready" Alissa asks me ready to look and fine the truth. Okay I'm ready.

Luke's P.O.V

"Luke you are wanted down in the projection room" mrs. Anderson our Science teacher announces. Weird why am I wanted down there? I head to the projection room and open the door closing it behind me "hello?" I say as I turn around and see Amanda, I slowly start to back up when Alexa and Gina push me onto her as Amanda presses her lips onto mine. Gina and Alexa are holding my arms back and Amanda is making out with me. I'm not kissing her back, instead I'm trying to get out of their grasp. "Opps looks like Ashley saw you cheated on her!" Amanda says pointing to Ashley running out the room crying and Alissa running after her.

Ashley's P.O.V

I peek my head up and see Luke and Amanda full on making out! I can't believe this! I start to cry as I run out the door. All the lies that he would help me and that he not only liked me but loved me! "Stop Ashley!" Alissa says to me out of breath. I stop and burst into tears as she hugs me tightly. "You can sleep over my place tonight if you want" Alissa says comforting me. "Thanks Alissa" I say hugging her. I start walking with Alissa to her house since she already has some of my clothes at her house from previous sleepovers.

We arrived at her house and headed up stairs, we watched The School Of Rock and ate Pop-tarts and ice-cream. "Alissa, thanks for tonight. you really know to make someone feel better." My phone started ringing. I looked over to see incoming call from Lukey💖,I'll have to change that. "Ignore him" Alissa says pressing the cancel button. "That's the twentieth time he's called!" I say. Alissa looks at me. "I'm sorry for how much crap you get put through.... you really don't deserve it." All I could do was hug her "I loved him Alissa! he lied to me and pretended to care for me!" I cried. She rubbed my back and I wiped my tears. And we continued to have fun. Until I got a text message

M=Michael A=Ashley

M: hey! Why aren't you home? are you alright

Ashley: no. I'm at Alissa's staying over cause of Luke

M:what did he do?

A:he cheated on me with Amanda! even ask Alissa she saw too...

M:wow I'll talk to him! feel better okay. Love ya bestie

A: it's fine. and love ya too bestie

End of message

Michaels P.O.V

Why would he do this so Ashley?!? I'm furious. He told her that he loved her then went and cheated! not okay with me! I told Ashton and Calum about Luke and they agreed to talk to him with me. Luke walked into the house and we were sitting on the couch giving him the stare. "Hey guys is Ash home yet?" he asks us. "No she's sleeping over Alissa's" Calum says giving him the death glare. If looks could kill Luke would've been killed by now. "I messed up guys!" Luke says pasting. "We know what you did, how could you do that to her! you 'loved' her at least that's what you said!" I yell at him. "I texted Alissa and she was saying she was a mess with makeup running down her face and was gasping for air cause she was crying so hard! don't you see what you did!" Ashton yells at Luke standing up. "Guys I love Ashley more than anything!" he yells in defense. "Then why did you cheat!?" We say at the same time. Luke told us the story of how he was called

to the projection room and the boys and I believed him he was even crying and I never seen Luke cry before... I could tell he was telling the truth.

Alissa's P.O.V

It's ten at night and I got a text from my boyfriend Ashton.


Ash:hey I need to talk to you

A: is everything okay?

Ash:no Luke told us what happened and I believe him, he didn't cheat!

A: tell me the story

Ash (tells story). (A/N: you know the story already)

A: oh that does sound like something she would do

Ash: alright so stick to the plan and I'll see you soon, love you babe

A:love you too

~End of message~

Ashley's P.O.V

Alissa told me to come with her to the store to get eggs and milk for the morning. I got in the car and we started driving. "Alissa you passed the store" I say as I turn down the radio. "I'm going to a different one" she answers as she turns the radio back up. I close my eyes and begin to listen to music. Fifteen minutes passed and we arrived I looked up and saw that we were at Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton's house. "why are we here?" I say. "Relax I wanna see Ashton and Luke isn't here." she answers me pulling me out of the car.

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