New start

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Ashley's P.O.V
I finished packing and headed down stairs "your okay with this right?" Luke asks me. "Yeah I'm ready to start a new chapter In my life" I answer him hopping into the car. On the way there Don't Stop played on the radio and we were rocking out! soon we arrive at his house and I'm nervous.... what if the boys don't except me living here? yeah I always hang out with them and Luke at school but living together is different. "I'm home guys!" Luke announces as he opens the door. Michael, Ashton and Calum ran down the stairs and hugged me "hey whatcha doing here?" Ashton asks me. "Well" "she's moving in if that's okay with u guys" Luke finishes my sentence. "EWWWW no we don't want a girl living here Calum says looking at Luke like he's crazy. God I should just leave now. Luke looks crushed. "Dude I'm joking I would love for Ash to stay here!" he says hugging me. "Same here" Michael and Ashton say. "Thanks guys" I say hugging them. "So what do you wanna do?" Calum asks sitting on the couch. "Let's watch a scary movie! like The Conjuring or something!" Michael says getting out the movie and placing it into the DVD player. Ashton and Michael sit into the floor, while Calum sits on the right, Luke in the middle and me on the left. During the movie I hid my face into Luke's chest. He put his arm around me and cuddled close to me. At the end of the movie it was around eleven and everyone had a long day so we decided to go to sleep "night guys!" Michael,Ashton and Calum yell from upstairs "night!" me and Luke yell back. "Um.... Luke where am I going to sleep?" I ask Luke. "You can sleep in my room with me, I mean we would sleep in the same bed but... we have already slept in the same bed so it won't be weird." he says holding me hand bring me upstairs. I got dressed in the bathroom because I didn't want him to see my cuts I made last night. When I went into the room he was already in bed laying down. I went to my side now and laid down, Luke cuddled me and whispered "I love you Ash" I whisper back "I love you too Lukey."
The next morning I woke up still in Luke's embrace. I carefully went down stairs and make some chocolate chip pancakes for the boys, And since I had some time to spare I went to Starbucks to get them a Frappé. "Hello I'm...." a boy says as I look up "holy crap! Hey Justin" I say "I haven't seen you since you moved from New York! how've you been?" and from there I caught him up on Luke and the boys. "Well I got to go here's my number we can catch up sometime!" I say handing him I number. I haven't seen him In forever he was like my best friend In New York!
I arrive home and set their food up on the table as I eat my pancakes and drink my Carmel frappé. the boys soon come down and see
their breakfast "wow thanks Ash!" they say hugging me. "No problem boys I say pecking Luke's lips. When I was eating I started thinking about school tomorrow. More name calling and beatings from people..i can't wait till I graduate.

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