Punishment 1

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~*•Emily's P.O.V~*•
I woke up cold in the bed. I shook remembering where I was. I stood up walking into the bathroom. I closed and locked the door as I heard the man open the door to the bedroom. "WHERE ARE YOU PRINCESS!?" He yelled as I chocked out "the bathroom" he chucked before walking over to the bathroom door tapping lightly "princess I have to go to work. When I get home I demand you made me dinner and for you to be naked on the bed when I get home". I heard him walk away out the front door as I began to cry. No way I'm being his slave. I decided to come out of the bathroom and explore the house. I turned the knob but of course it was locked! I plopped down on the bed as I thought about everyone. God I miss them. Time flew by as I heard the front door open and shut. Sh*t. I panicked as he opened the door "WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!" He spat I'm my face as I began to tear up "I lost track of time" I whimper out as he pushed me back. He grabbed my phone out calling Calum. I shook as he smirked placing the phone to his ear. I yelled at him to put it on speaker as he did so.

[=*Calum's P.O.V*=]

My phone rang from upstairs. I ran as my stomach dropped seeing the called ID 'Emily💕😘🔥'. I raced answering it putting it up to my ear "hello?!" A male chuckle was heard as a soft cry was in the distance "ha! Calum! Hello boy. I wanted to tell you that Emily is with me safe and sound" "DONT LISTEN TO HIM CAL-" Emily screamed as she was cut off. I let tears fall as I crocked out "EMILY. EMILY. WHERE ARE YOU GUYS. DONT HURT HER" I yelled as everyone ran into the room "Calum what's going on?" Madelyn asked as Michael wrapped his arms around her waist "PLEASE LET HER GO" I yelled again as I heard Emily "STOP PLEASE" she yelled as I broke down collapsing onto the floor "STOP LEAVE HER ALONE" I yelled as Luke ran to me crouching down. I heard him swearing and yelling more words before "hurry before your too late boy" was said and then just like that beep. It hung up. "What happened Calum" Luke said as I cried into his chest "Emily-she was kid-kidnapped" everyone around me began tearing up as Ashley ran out of the room. Luke ran after her as Michael sat down "why me Michael. Everyone I love is taken away from me." I begin to think of Bianca and Maggie... "don't give up Calum. She's still alive and..." he drifted off knowing she's not safe. He stood up calling the police "yes hello auh our friend Emily has been kidnapped!" He explained as he walked out of the room. What do I do? What do I tell Harry? Should I tell him?

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