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Calum's P.O.V

This week is the funeral for Maggie and I'm giving a speech in honor of her along with her parents. I'm getting better cause weirdly we talked about death, if we died. And she told me that if she died she would want me to move on and be happy with my life. Trust me it hurts she's gone but I'm trying to get better everyday for her, just like I promised. Were flying out to Florida for the funeral, since that's where she was born and raised. Just to think if she stayed there she would've never met me, never thought she needed to surprise me and see me, she never would've died.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard "Calum!" from downstairs. I rush downstairs and see Ashley "yeah?" I ask confused of why she just called me down here "what do u want from the store?" she asks grabbing a pen and paper "Nutella and bananas please" I say sitting down and turning the tv on "okay" she says grabbing her keys and heading off


We arrive at the air port a little later in the day and we all get our seats. Luke and Ashely are together, Alissa and Ashton are together, Paul has Ashlyn and Michael is with Madelyn, as for me I'm by myself in the back while they are all in the front. "Hi" I hear beside me as I turn my head to see this

girl about 5'5 with brown hair and eyes, she was beautiful "um hi" I say awkwardly "umm do u mind if I sit here?" she asks pointing to the empty seat next to me "no go ahead I don't mind" I say as she puts her stuff in the compartment "thanks" she says sitting down "no problem" I smile "you look like Calum Hood has

anyone ever told you that" she asks "yeah I hear it a lot" I laugh "like I would get that lucky to meet him" she sighs and checks her phone for the time which I saw her home screen as the boys and I "can I tell you something?" I whisper

In her ear "sure" she smirks "I'm Calum Hood" I say as her brown eyes almost pop out of her head "for real?" she asks "yeah for real" I answer showing her my ID "omg I'll try not to fangirl" she laughs. Her laugh was beautiful. "So tell me about yourself" I say looking at her "I'm pretty boring" she giggles "I doubt it" I say looking at her serious "okay Im 18, I don't get along with family because of my past.... but let's no get into that. um I love reading and writing, and pretty much the only thing I like about myself is my taste in music" she says looking at me "cool" I say "yeah cool" she giggles "so why are you going to Florida?" I ask curious "my cousins wedding" she says smiling "cool" "what are you here for?" "Umm just a little vacation" I answer trying not to sound weird "cool" she says twirling her hair "I didn't catch your name" I say as she grabs a drink out from her bag "oh my names Bianca" she smiles "I like that name" I smile back as she blushes "thanks" she says shyly shivering "cold?" I question as she shakes her head "here" I say giving her my fleece blanket "you sure?" she asks before cuddling it "here" she says giving me some to share since it was freezing on this plane "thanks Biki" I smirk as she giggles "no problem car hood" she laughs placing her head on my chest as I wrap a arm around her shoulder.


I woke up from Luke shaking me "were here get up Cal" I shake my head and look around to no Bianca. I open my hand and see a wrapped up piece of paper with a number on it. Bianca's number. I smile to myself and get up with Luke's help since my legs practically fell asleep. I sighed and grabbed my stuff heading out the plane. I grabbed the rest of my stuff at the pick up station and headed into the car and I ever so happily texted Bianca

~Text ~

C- hey😋


C-what's up?

B- nothing lol, hbu?

C-on the tour bus. Nothing that exciting


C-what are you doing tmr?


C- you don't have any plans with your boyfriend?

B-I don't have one

C- a pretty girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend?!

B- no lol😊

C- wanna hang tmr?

B-yeah I would love too!

C-cool I'll see you tmr!😀

B-k bye Cal Pal😉

C-bye Bi Bi gun😉

-----end of message---------

I wake up to Ashley shaking me "yeah?" I ask "we....need to get ready" she says about to cry. I pull her into a big hug and whisper "it's okay I'm sad too" I confess "this is gonna be hard" she says wiping her eyes "I know trust me" I huff looking down. "Come on" she says pulling my hand to get me up.


Us boys are in a black shirt and blue jeans. The girls are wearing a black dress with white heals. I wonder if her parents blame me? no it's not my fault! or is it? I was snapped out of my thoughts by Alissa opening the car door "come on Calum" she sighs as I look up "oh right" I say stupidly getting out if the car.

We walk inside and sit down in our row. Ashely and Luke hold hands as Ashton and Alissa do the same. I look over to see Madelyn and Michael holding hands too. Ashley saw me and held my hand with her free hand. Her parents just finished their speech for Maggie and "now we have a special speaker, Calum Hood" is announced. I stand up and walk to the podium "hello, I'm Calum, um I was Maggie's boyfriend for a while. It's funny to hear myself say she's gone, I thought I would be with her forever. Maggie was a fun and kind person. She was always so positive. I loved her so much. I still do. She was my first "i love you" I ever said to a girl other than my family. I miss her dearly. She's always gonna be in my heart,no madder what" I took a deep breath and realized I was crying. I wiped my eyes and continued "I miss her "goodnight bae" text....i miss her voice when she sang to me. I miss her perfume she always wore, I miss and love her so much. She will always be with all of us here. Maggagator if you can hear me we all love and miss you so so so much. Thank you" I finish wiping my eyes from the hot tears running down my cheeks. I sit down and everyone hugs me as I try to calm down. I feel a hand intertwine our fingers. I look over and see no one. But my hand Is closed like it's holding someone's hand. I get a shiver and realize the person that's holding my hand is Maggie.

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