"Why?", he asked confused and took a quick glance at me.
"Because my mother is there. I can't go home", I just said and probably confused him even more.
"Alright, you're staying at my place then tonight", he said and drove to his place.

I managed to stop crying because I had to concentrate on not throwing up in his car. The more I was relieved as he finally parked it in front of his house. He helped me get out of the car and we made our way inside. Softly he made me sit down on his sofa and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water for me.

"Thank you", I mumbled and took a sip of it as he handed me the glass and sat down next to me.
"No need to thank me for that. My name's Taehyung by the way. Just call me Tae", he said and smiled softly.
"I'm Y/N", I replied and looked at him.

"Listen, you don't need to tell me what happened, but if you want me to call someone... I hope it's not a bad reason that you can't go home because of your mother", he carefully said, probably assuming that she abused me or something.

"No. It's not because my mother did anything. I just can't face her right now. We both need space from each other right now. I need space from everything. I just want to sleep and not wake up for the next few years", I said and couldn't help but start to cry again.

Taehyung immediately pulled me into a hug, softly stroking my back to calm me down.
"I'm here for you, alright?", he softly mumbled and gave me all the time I needed.
"You don't even know me", I said after a while.

"I know. But you come to the bar with your friends quite often. And in your current condition, I do feel kind of responsible for you."
I nodded and didn't really know what to say, mostly because of the alcohol. The whole world was spinning around in front of my eyes and I was glad that Taehyung took care of me, although he didn't have to.

Slowly I got the feeling that I could trust him and I suddenly felt the urge to talk to someone.
"My father passed away today", I mumbled out of the blue and hid my face on his chest.
"I'm so sorry", he immediately said and his grip tightened a bit just to give me the feeling of security.

"He had a hard attack and didn't make it. My mother came to my place because she didn't want to be in the place he died tonight, all on her own. But I can't stand seeing her all broken. I'm probably a bad daughter for not being there for her when she needs me but I just... I need time to fully realize and deal with it on my own."

"That's totally understandable and you're not a bad daughter for needing space. I understand that I really do. Just take all the time you need. You can stay here as long as you want to alright? I know how hard it is to face your family and your friends after something like that happens. I'll be there for you", he softly mumbled and continuously stroked my back.

"I don't want to be a burden for you Taehyung", I mumbled and looked up to him.
"You are no burden for me. I wouldn't offer something like that to you if it would mean that you would burden me with it", he said and smiled softly.
"Thank you, honestly", I smiled.

"Can you show me the bathroom please?", I then asked as I started to feel the urgent need to have a toilet around me due to the alcohol.
"Sure", he said, stood up and brought me into the bathroom.

Immediately I kneeled down in front of his toilet, luckily right in time. The alcohol was probably a bit too much for me to handle since I also hadn't eaten anything and now it was showing. Taehyung remained at my side, softly pulling my hair back so I wouldn't throw up on it.

I was glad as it was over and quickly wiped the tears from off my face. Taehyung flushed the toilet and handed me a glass of water so I could wash out my mouth. As I was done and felt a bit better again I thanked him and he looked quite worried.

"I'm going to make you a special drink now so you don't feel sick anymore alright? Also, you should probably go and get some sleep. You can have some of my clothes for tonight", he softly said and I nodded.

He brought me into his bedroom, took out some clothes and gave them to me.
"There you go. You can change here, I'm going to make the drink for you, I'll be right back", he softly said, checked again if I'll be fine and then left the room.

Quickly I changed into his clothes and sat down again. Just a few moments later he came back into the room with the drink he made for me.
"I know the color and the consistency of it don't seem to be very trustworthy but trust me you'll be better after drinking it", he softly said, sat down next to me and gave me the glass.

I stared at it for a while before I took a sip of it. It didn't taste as bad as expected so I drank the whole glass and looked at Taehyung afterwards. He stood up, brought the glass to the kitchen and came back right after.

"That should help you feel better and get some sleep. You are staying here tonight and I will sleep on the sofa alright?", he asked and I just nodded. Carefully he made me lay down and softly wrapped the blanket around me.

"Just call me if you need anything else alright?", he softly asked and turned off the lights.
"Thank you", I smiled and nodded.
"Goodnight then", he smiled and went out of the room, closing the door behind him.

It took me exactly 30 seconds to call his name and he immediately came back.
"Are you okay?", he asked concerned and looked at me.
"Can you... Can you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be all by myself", I mumbled and bit my lip.

"Of course", he said and nodded. "Just let me get changed and wash up and then I'll be right back."
I waited patiently and looked at the ceiling. After a few minutes, he came back and laid down beside me.

I just cuddled up to him and didn't care about what he was thinking of me, mostly because of the alcohol. But he just went with it and softly wrapped his arms around me.
"I can never make that up to you, you know that right?", I whispered and looked up to him.

"Y/N, I'm not doing that because I want you to make it up to me. I'm fine", he smiled softly and wiped a strand of hair from off my forehead.
"You're a great guy Taehyung", I smiled and closed my eyes.
"Thanks", he chuckled and closed his eyes as well.

With Taehyung by my side, it didn't take me long to fall asleep. I didn't even have any nightmares because his presence was calming me down. And I was glad that he took care of me that night.

After that, we saw each other more often. Of course, death is nothing nice but it helped me and Taehyung, two strangers who only knew each other based on the looks before, grow together and build up a beautiful relationship. So for me, it wasn't a complete loss.

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