Third Aegyo

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Three weeks has passed since then. By now, I can read and write the Korean alphabet and at the same time: can also speak the dialect as well, though, there's a bit of a complication you see but it's fine ( as long as I can understand and talk the language ). Hae-won decided that it's about high-time to interact with each other in Korean to develop our grammar and punctuation, but her main goal is to prepare us for in a week's time we'll be joining in with their every day lectures. She said that it is a way to train us and if there are any corrections then it'll be fixed in no time.

Moving on, we're at the university's courtyard waiting for the rest of our friends to arrive. I can see Jean conversing with Hana, Choilin, on the other hand, was busy leafing through her recipe book muttering things like " for tomorrow's baking class.. " and other things. Jung is busy playing with his PSP while Seon and Hae-won are happily conversing as well. As for me, I was busy scanning through my list of Korean words ( I may know how to read and write and even speak the language but I still have a long way to go, except Jean for she's a master at it. Even ranked no. 1 in class ).

" INFINITE is having a concert at Seoul Olympic park tomorrow. "

That perked my interest. I turned to see a couple of girls giggling and huddled close to each other as they talked.

" You got your tickets right? "

" Yep. It was hard and expensive but it's worth while. " 

" No worries, we'll get to see our beloved L. "

" L-oppa!!! "

" Ahh~ Sungjong. "

" Woohyun's the best!!! "

" I can't wait to hear Hoya and Sungyeol sing. "

" I want to learn how to rap like Dongwoo. "

" Let's see if Sunggyu can out shine them. "

Fan girls. I sighed as I continued reading my lecture. It isn't unusual to get hyped-up over such things. But to be honest, I also want to go to the concert and the saddest part is that I just discovered it now and it'll be too late if I try to buy one for they might have ran out already. Also, our expenses is only worth for our stay here ( like buying needed necessities and souvenirs before going home ). The tickets are probably too expensive.

" Blythe... "

I looked up to see Jean. She has this serious face on as she was looking down at me. Behind her, I can see Hae-won heading towards us, with the other four continuing with what they're doing; Seon, Hana and Choilin conversing with each other and Jung still playing his PSP.

" You also heard their conversation, right? " Hae-won sat beside me while Jean only crossed her arms. " It surprised me that I had not heard news about INFINITE'S concert. "

" So you attend their concerts? " I suddenly asked before I was interrupted by giggles of both Jean and Hae-won. I could only twitch in annoyance as their laughing fits subsided.

" I'm sorry Blythe. " The latter wiped her eyes before smiling apologetically at me. " It's that whenever you speak in korean, it sounds so funny that I sometimes compare you with Jean for hers is like natural. "

" There now it's alright. " Jean started pinching my cheeks while trying to control giggles that are about to erupt again. " I was like that before so you'll adapt the pronounciation soon. "

" But you've been listening to Kpop. " I pout at her, face still red due to embarassment. As long as I can read and understand the language then accents are not a problem here.    

" And it's also like that with other foreign students. " Hae-won exclaimed. " And to answer your earlier question, yes, Yuna and I have been to countless concerts of INFINITE. "

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