Sixth Aegyo

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Jean's POV       

I still haven't recovered at the fact that Woohyun, of all people, was the one who saved me earlier. To top it all, I never dreamt of being alone in a room with him. I was thinking that I'm probably dreaming back at the dorms for I couldn't believe my eyes. 

I'm seeing Woohyun in front of me.     

Girls would kill themselves just to get in the same situation as me. This is luck. 

" Earth to whoever you are. " I suddenly heard someone in the midst of my musings. A hand was waving in front of me and I wondered who owns it. Not till I remembered that Woohyun's with me. I suddenly grabbed his wrist and retracted it away from my face ( it's too close for comfort!!! ). He suddenly smiled at me before laughing.

" I thought you malfunctioned earlier. I'm glad you didn't. " Blinking at his statement, I couldn't help but tilt my head to the side. He also blinked at me, before mirroring what I did. We stayed like that for a while...

" Seriously why are you copying me?! " I suddenly blushed before glaring at him. Again, he laughed at me.

" Sorry but you weren't responding so I had to do that. " He said while stretching. My blush reddened even more. Get a hold of yourself Jean, pour l'amour de dieu. After regaining my composure, I turned back to him again.

" I'm sorry but I came here to look for my friend. " I said, eyes slightly narrowed. " There was a stampede earlier and we were with a couple of friends so... "

" And that's how you got in the situation you're in now. " He finished for me. " I actually heard a couple of fangirls screaming in the halls. That's why I remained here, hiding. "

" Yes. " I continued. " I was swept along with them. But after countless push and shovings, I managed to free myself from the wave. "

" Wow, that was bold of you. " He snickered. Raising a brow at him, I started observing our surroundings. All I can say about the room is that it's dull. There are a couple of chairs but it seems like a storage area, for there are boxes and chords, and even crates filled with old curtains and microphone stands can be seen. Cleaning utensils are standing on the sidelines, with detergents arranged neatly in a crate. 

" This probably isn't the best place to linger. " Woohyun suddenly went to the door and turned the knob. " We'll get to know each other while walking. "


While heading to the dressing room, Woohyun said that it's safe to hide there till the tension dies, he started asking questions about myself. He asks things like: What's your name? ' or ' You seemed to not be from around here, you look too foreign, so where do you come from? ' or ' Are you a college student? ' and other things. So I told him everything. I told him my name, that I was living in Australia before I went here for an exchange student program. Also, I told him I was in my second year of college taking up BA Communication Arts in East Seoul University. 

" Whoa, I heard that university is famous. " He said, with both hands in his pockets. " It's one of Korea's elite schools. "

And we continued talking. He asked me how did I discovered their group and I simply told him that I'm into Kpops so I'm bound to discover new boy bands anytime. He chuckled at my statement before asking more. He asked if I have other boybands that I like and I answered him with sparkles in my eyes.

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