Nineteenth Aegyo

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After Hana passed the forms for the " Final Night, " we started planning for the event. Since we were to portray as the " female " version of INFINITE, we started discussing which songs to sing, what clothes to wear, when will practice start, etc. Though each performer is given a time limit ( so as others could also perform ). The minimum time for each to perform on stage is 10 mins. while maximum is 20 mins. Right now, we are assembled inside one of the university's dance rooms discussing our plans for it. 

" I'm actually planning on putting a bonus track in the end. " Hana was holding a pen while scribbling something on a clipboard. " Probably we might go with three songs + the bonus that I'm talking about earlier. "

" And what's this " bonus " track you're saying? " Choilin tilted her head to the side, her pigtails falling on one side as she did so. The former could only smirk and stated that we'll find out soon enough. 

" I just hope your accent won't be THAT noticeable, Blythe. " Yuna exclaimed while hugging me from behind. Now that I remembered, this will be the first time I'll be singing in their language. I usually sing japanese songs but this is new.

" I'll try my best... " I said while twitching at the thought. I hope I'll get it right.    

" First up: what songs are we going to sing? " Jin-Hae suddenly spoke from her spot, her glasses glinting as she readjusted them. " When we have the songs, we can easily think of suitable clothes for the performance. "

" Chill J-Hae, we still got all the time in the world... " Hana was waving her hand in a manner to shoo off the thought first.

" Well it is better to be early than sorry. " The other rolled her eyes before going back to her laptop. " And don't call me that!!! "

I heard Jean's phone rung. I turned to see her retrieving her phone from her bag and saw that she received two messages. One from Woohyun and one from Sungyeol. Sungyeol. Thse days, the two had been texting each other ( but not as daily as Woohyun ). There were also times when he would call her and we'd hear them talking to each other outside the terrace. Now that I've mentioned about it, the patterns of Sungyeol's calls is like every after three days. Of course, Woohyun still manages to keep up with his routine of calling Jean every day ( even when it is on the same days where Sungyeol will make his call ). I wonder if Woohyun knows that Sungyeol has been contacting Jean? 

" Hey guys what do you think of the songs ChaserDestiny and Back? " Hae-won suddenly asked, with Ipad in hand. All of us became silent for a bit before voicing out our opinions.

" All three are catchy, upbeat and at the same time simple but with impact... " Seon was scratching his chin with his index finger and thumb with his head slightly tilted. " The beats are balanced and can catch the audience's attention. "

" Seriously you can analyze that?! " Jung stared at him wide-eyed in 

" Nice analysis. " Hana grinned. " I think the three songs are easy to sing and dance with, as long as we do it step-by-step. "

" Well I just though that maybe the songs fit. " Hae-won smiled before going to Youtube and typed Chaser. The room was soon flooded with said song.

I felt myself having the urge to dance as I heard the intro. Like I said before: I fell in love with the song the very first time I heard it. I could hear Choilin humming to with Yuna tapping the floor, following the rhythm. The song changed into Destiny.

" This one is catchy... " I heard Jean spoke while bopping her head slightly to the song. " It's going to make the audience flip in anticipation. "

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