Twenty First Aegyo

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Blythe and L are finally a couple. When the former arrived after her date, her face was flushed. We asked her about it and she kept on stuttering not till she told us about the confession. Yuna couldn't believe what she heard and asked her again, in which Blythe blushingly repeated what she said earlier. After the second time did Yuna became ecstatic. She wouldn't stop teasing and even asked how did the confession happened and who initiated it first. Blythe could only cover her flushed face as the former bombarded her with numerous " personal " questions. Hae-won and I gave our blessings, we know deep inside that L is a good guy and will surely not make my best friend cry...or else he'll have a taste of my wrath if he did so....

Our other friends were also informed of this ( thank Yuna for being a gossip girl ). Choilin was having a pouting-streak when she heard it, claiming that Blythe stole L from her. But she was only joking around. She gave Blythe a hug and congratulated her, stating that she should cherish her moments with him since this rarely happens to anyone. Hana and Jin-Hae were shocked at the revelation while Seon had an expressionless look, but there is a hint of surprise evident in his eyes. The three gave their blessings afterwards. Jung, to our surprise, took it calmly. We thought that among all of us, he'd be the one to cause an uproar. But all he did was ruffled her hair and told her that if he hurts her, he'll teach him a lesson.

Though not only our group knows about the relationship. Seems that the other members of INFINITE happened to, as what Woohyun narrated to me days after the date, corner L and interrogated him about said date. The latter wouldn't even budge and it took them days and a lot of blackmailing for the visual to spill everything. I don't know what happened or how they did it but it worked. They are now in knowledge of L's relationship with Blythe.

Even Manager Hyoan knows this and congratulated the two. As proof of their success, Woohyun took the liberty of sending Blythe and I a picture of L after he told everything, with cute mini captions in it such as " Hyungs, you're so mean T^T how could you do this to your beloved dongsaeng? " and " Aiieesshh I've been caught " and many more. I couldn't help but be amused at L's sheepish and irritated look at the picture, even Blythe was laughing at it. 

Still, I'm happy for her. Who'd have thought that you'd end up with your idol. It's every girl's dream to meet her idol personally and yet none has succeeded. It's rare that you get to meet them, get to know them, become best of friends and fall for one another. And it seemed Blythe is one of the lucky listers that get to experience the whole package. 

I'd see her texting him and from time to time L would call her. How they talk to each other when in a phone call was amusing. We would hear Blythe outside the terrace talking to him then everything would be in awkward silence before they talk again and laugh at each other and then awkward silence and the whole cycle continues. Seriously these love birds are amusing.       

Although they haven't been on dates after the first one. Maybe L's schedule is tight at the moment. I even heard from Woohyun that they've been getting busy lately with all those practices, photo shoots, interviews and the likes so that probably explains it. Oh well, we're also getting busy as well. With the upcoming festival, everyone in the university is on edge. A lot of students are getting ready for said event and so many forms can be seen passed around the campus. Stands are being built-up and banners are carefully made. Even personnels can be seen running around passing documents in other offices, even in the principal's office.

For our case, we started practicing for the performance in the Final Night. Since we got our lyrics memorized, we decided to have a one round of singing the three songs. It's quite alright, we just need to match with the tempo and rhythm of the music so that we know the marker of our part and at the same time get accustomed to the song itself. We've been practicing the vocals for five days ( to make sure that we got it right ) and when Hana was satisfied with the results, we started practicing the steps. And we've been practicing till now.

Sometimes, I couldn't help but let my mind wander off. Seeing Blythe happily together with L pains me at times. They have something that I couldn't have, and never shall it happen. I do know that I love Woohyun with all my heart. We've been text buddies and every time we go on hang outs, he would randomly pull me somewhere and introduce me to things that I haven't even tried myself. We're becoming so close that we even know the other's deepest secret that no one has ever heard or known before. With just his goofy smile, my day is complete.

But it [hurts] just staying by his side.          

After discovering my feelings for him, it's becoming so painful to talk to him. Even just a text message is hard. For I know that this might be a onesided love. An unrequitted one. Something that can never go passed the friend zone. It's so hard to face him with my usual scowl and annoyed face but it is the only way that I could maintain our friendship...

That I could stay by his [side]....even if it hurts me....     

Imagining him falling for another breaks my heart. Knowing that I could never hold his hand in mine, to hug him, create a lot of memories together, to cherish him and be cherished back, to have a special place in his heart...I can't even imagine what will happen to me if it does ever come true...

But I couldn't stop [hoping].       

I know someone who is also in the same boat as mine: Sungyeol. Tall and charming, girls would flock to him with his cool demeanor, but childish heart. He can get everything that he want, could even date girls that fit his fancy. But why did he choose me?

Me who is in [love] with Woohyun.        

This is one magnificent triangle that we formed: Sungyeol chasing me, while I continue to chase Woohyun. How cruel is this for the both of us. Never knowing that neither could reciprocate the other's feelings. But we couldn't help but hope for the best and believe that the other might return it....

To experience that happily ever after that we want.           

Even if I'm hurting, I couldn't let go of my feelings for him. It became one of the reasons why I'm doing my best in everything. To give my all and die with no regrets. He became my inspiration. My burning flame in the darkness...

.......Je t'aime tellement, mon [Woohyun]......

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