Fifty Fifth Aegyo

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Our first night at the villa wasn't out of the ordinary. Myungsoo and I didn't automatically sleep when we entered our room, instead, we decided to talk a bit. Have some quality time together and get to know how the other is faring with their daily lives. When we got bored, Myungsoo suddenly stood and headed for the dresser across from us. He returned while carrying a game of " Snakes & Ladders. " We played for a bit ( I actually won the game ) before placing the game back to where it came from once we got bored. We each laid on our respective beds as we were plunged in comfortable silence. Only the moon's illumination from the window served as our light in the dark room we're in.

" Are you asleep, Blythe? " I heard Myungsoo and turned to see him looking at me.

" Seems we both can't sleep. " We chuckled at that before plunging in comfortable silence again.

" I wish it could always stay like this... " He breathed out while adjusting his position: propping himself up by his elbow so as he could properly face me. " Peaceful and in solace....with you by my side.... "

I could only smile as my response. He also smiled and we continued having one of " midnight chats " ( just like back then ) before sleep over took us and we bid each other a good night.

The duration of our trip was spent sightseeing and swimming at the beach. Everyone was fooling around and even attempted to create their own version of the " Swimming Cup " ( which ended in sheer mayhem after Jung and Dongwoo were chased by a sea snake ). Either way, the trip still remained memorable.


Our " Five-day " trip has come and go and now, as I sit by the shoreline watching the sun set did I start contemplating things. Tomorrow, we'll be heading back to Seoul. Back to our normal lives as university students and idols. 

And in a month's time...we'd be flying back to Australia.

The thought couldn't help but send a " pang " to my chest. It's just so too soon. Just when everything is settled did we have to leave. I know that the " validity " of our stay as exchange students is only good for one year but bloody hell time flies so fast. I still want to stay with everyone and make lots and lots of happy memories together. But fate doesn't roll like that.          

" Why are you sitting all alone here? " I turned to see Jean settling herself beside me, while laughter and screams of the others served as our background. " Come on, you can tell me. "

" It's just too sad that we'll be leaving soon. " I heard her sigh at my statement.

" I know. " Was what she said before slightly leaning back and tilted her head to the side, facing me. " But no matter how short time is, we must make the best out of it so that it won't be wasteful. "

" Yeah. " I smiled before stretching. " It's going to take a while before we see the others again. "

" Yeah. "

" What are two pretty ladies doing out here all alone? " We turned to see Woohyun, who has a grin on his face, and Myungsoo standing behind us.

" None of your business. " Jean puffed her cheeks while looking away.

" Aww, don't be like that Jean!!! " He decided to sit behind her and wrapped an arm around her frame. Myungsoo decided to seat on my right and we interlocked hands.

" This reminds me of the old days. " Woohyun said while leaning his chin on his girlfriend's shoulder. " Where it's just the four of us hanging out and having our double dates....a year flies too fast. "

" So many things has happened in just one year. " Jean suddenly said while leaning on his chest. " From us being ordinary students till we met you guys. "

" Then we were all fated to meet each other. " Her boyfriend laughed.

" For once, I agree with you. " Myungsoo stated while watching the horizon with a smile on his face.

" Yah, or else you wouldn't have met Blythe. "

" Hyung. "

I couldn't help but laugh as the three started laughing alongside me. Oh how I'll miss our moments together.     

That night, Myungsoo and I decided to sleep together wrapped in each others' arms. Maybe we just felt like sleeping side by side. I could hear the gentle beat of his heart as we became comfortable with our positions. No sound was made. We only laid there in silence, enjoying the other's presence and warmth. From time to time his hug tightens before loosening their hold around me. I, myself, has a firm grip on the front of his shirt. Maybe it's too reassure that the other is still here, who knows. 

" We'll always be together....Blythe.... " He breathed out from my head and I snuggled on his chest, taking in his scent.

" Always... " I replied back before sleep found it's way in my system. The gentle beat of his heart lulled me to dreamland. 

The next morning, we drove back to Seoul.


Jean's POV         

Before we left Busan, everyone went shopping again, ate lunch and another round of shopping till they dropped. Right now, everyone is asleep. Just the sound of the the car's engine and Dongwoo's hummings could be heard. Even Blythe ( who usually doesn't sleep on the road ) was seen leaning on L's shoulder, fast asleep.

" Aren't you tired? " Woohyun suddenly whispered to my ear, which made me blush because I could feel his hot breath.

" I'm just not that sleep. " I slightly blushed. He only chuckled softly before laying his head on my shoulder, wrapping an arm around my waist. " I still want to extend our stay. "

" But the holiday is already over. " I said while leaning my head on top of his.

" I don't care as long as I'm with My Honey. " He huffed, which made me slightly giggle. 

" We can always go on dates from time to time....we'd still see each other. "

" But you'll be going back to Australia soon. " A frown found it's way on my face. I grab his free hand and interlocked our fingers together.

" That is why I want to make our last days the best. "

" Yeah... "

Silence soon fell on us. We still retained our positions: Woohyun leaning on my shoulder and mine atop his head with our hands entwined together. We could only enjoy the other's presence as neither one of us tried to break the solace of peace. The weight on my shoulder suddenly grew heavy and I turned to see Woohyun asleep.

" You silly King of Hearts. " I smiled and leaned back on the top of his head.

....I'll make the last days of my stay here the best....

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