Fourteenth Aegyo

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So here we are watching INFINITE practice. From time to time, Woohyun would wave at us before going back to what he's doing. Just moments ago, we met one of their managers ( there happened to be three of them ). His name is Hyoan and he warmly welcomed Jean and I inside the building. Right now he's out grabbing snacks and drinks. It really is a surprise that we get to watch them practice, and even hang out to top it all. I guess this is what you call lucky. It's not everyday that you get to meet your idol, hang out and be invited to one of their practices. Still, I couldn't help but feel surreal. Either way, I'm just happy that we got to meet them, no matter the circumstances.

Right now, Jean and I are sitting on a bleacher, watching INFINITE dancing to " Chaser " ( when I first heard the song, I automatically fell in love with it because of the beat and how they sung it ). We suddenly heard the door opened and turn to see Manager Hyoan, who was carrying a tray of snacks and bottled drinks. Both Jean and I automatically grabbed the bottles, since they were about to fall. Their manager thanked us and set the tray on the coffee table. 

" I've been hearing stories about you two. " He suddenly started as he took a sit from across us. " Woohyun would always tell things about you guys and even saw him communicating with one of you during practice and free time. "

" Yes...and it still never surprises me that he still has credits to do so. " Jean spoked with a sarcastic tone. Hyoan could only laugh at that.

" So sad that both Jeongryul and Youngjun are away on a meeting. " He yet again smiled at us while grabbing a bottled water from the table. " They wanted to meet you seemed to make an impact on both Woohyun and L. "

" An impact? " I repeated his words. What impact? All we do is send each other text messages and that's it.     

" They were even curious about L's night buddy. " He stated while relaxing on his seat. I froze at that and it seems he caught it. " Dongwoo and Sungyeol would tell us that he's been using his phone every night just to send a text message to someone....I presumed that's you? I saw you reacting earlier... "

" Yes it is me. " I sheepishly smiled while scratching the back of my head. " Sorry 'bout that. "

" Why would you apologize? Since L is alright with it then it's fine. " 

From there on he started interviewing us. We told him that we came from Australia as exchange students in East Seoul University, on our second year of college taking up Communication Arts. He even got to know our personal lives as well: Jean's family comprises of a doctor for a father and a fashion designer for a mother. She has three older siblings ( one boy and two girls ) who are working and lives around Bondi ( that's actually our hometown ) with their respective family, not too far away from them and would visit from time to time just to catch up with their lives. Also, Jean stated that she was to take the diplomacy exams after graduating to become a diplomat. As for me, I told Manager Hyoan that my family comprises of a father as a politician, a mother who works as a patisserie, that runs her own cafe, and a younger brother, who is still in eight grade. I also stated that after graduating I'll go to law school to become a district attorney ( since I need to have a degree on Juris Doctor so as to meet the requirements before taking the state bar examinations ). Nevertheless, Manager Hyoan gives us his full support and wishes us luck in reaching our goals.

" So you two are full-blooded Australians, then? I mean you both live in Australia for almost all your lives so you're Australians by heart. " Hyoan suddenly asked out of the blue. Jean and I looked at each other at his statement. " So I was wrong? " 

" Actually... " Jean started before clearing her throat. " Try hearing our accents as we talk in english, there you will see the difference. "     

The manager suddenly smiled before talking in english as well. " You seemed to quite have a ' nasal accent ' like the French do but there's a mixture of an American accent as well. "

" Oui. I have both French and American blood running through my veins. " My best friend finished. The both of them turned towards me. I cleared my throat before speaking in english.

" Try guessing my accent, mate. " I grinned. 

You sound posh and smooth, like the English. But like with your other friend, there's a mixture in it...which sounded Australian.... "    

" That's right, I got the English and Australian blood running through my veins. " I beamed and just as our conversation in english was about to go deeper, we got cut off. It seemed the whole members of INFINITE were listening to our conversations all this time.

" So not only do you know French but you're French as well!!! " Woohyun exclaimed as he threw both hands in the air.

" You were listening?! " Jean's eyes widenned at that. Hoya suddenly coughed.

" No, I translated it for him. " Was what he said before turning away, smirking, from the pouting Woohyun. Everyone laugh at that.

" Seriously Jean you didn't told me that you were French and American. " My best friend could only roll her eyes at the " kicked-abandoned-puppy " look that her bias is doing. All she did was flick his forehead and walk away. 

Manager Hyoan soon shooed them back to practice. Woohyun gave Jean one of his " flying hearts " before being pulled by Sungyeol. Okay seriously I see that spark again in Sungyeol's eyes. Turning away from them, I saw L looking at me. He gave me a nod and a smile before following the others back to practice.

" I could tell that all of you will have a good relationship. " I heard the manager spoke just as he was watching INFINITE practicing. " I hope you two would continue staying friends with them. Both Woohyun and L are always motivated in whatever task they do, all because of your encouragements and your friendship. And I could see the other members are starting to get fond of you two as well... " He then turned towards our direction and smiled. " I'm really hoping that you'll treat them as what friends do...being idols can be tough for sometimes your social life is sacrificed... "

" We promise to do just that. " Jean smiled sincerely at the man.

" So that means you won't forbid us to hang out with them? " Both the two suddenly stared at me as if I've gone mental. " What? I usually see those things in dramas and fanfics. "

" Nonsense... " Manager Hyoan chuckled. " You guys can hang out with them whatever time you want. Even the other managers agreed as well. " 

With that, we continued our conversation till practice was done. They ordered pizza and we all ate heartily together. When it was almost our curfew, Manager Hyoan called a van to escort us back to the university. To our surprise, Woohyun and L decided to tag along to make sure we arrive safely ( but just before we left, I saw Sungyeol with a sullen look on his face while watching Woohyun helping Jean into the van ).

During the ride, Woohyun was telling Jean stories about his childhood and his dreams before he became a singer. In turn, the latter would share some of her childhood memories and dreams with him as well. I couldn't help but smile at the two as they conversed. Even if they bicker a lot, their bond seems to be closer than ever. Their personalities even make a balance as well: Woohyun's overly hyper and energetic temperament + Jean's serious and composed demeanor...

" Blythe... " L suddenly whispered, I turned to see him staring intensely at my eyes. Good thing it was dark or else he might have seen the blush on my face. I was caught off guard by his gaze, is all!!!

" Anything the matter, L? " He slightly reverted his eyes away before looking back.

" You can call me Myungsoo...since we're close... " Just when he finished, I could feel the ends of my mouth twitching upwards as I felt a warm feeling on my chest. Never had the day come when I get to call L by his name, his real name, and was requested by him of all people. This overwhelming happiness inside of me is uncontainable.

" M-Myungsoo... " I repeated and he smiled at that.

" That's right call me by my real name instead of L. " He replied back.

The rest of the trip was spent in comfortable silence between Myungsoo and I, with the voices of Woohyun and Jean as background.

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