Forty Fourth Aegyo

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The persecution still continuous the next day. During breakfast at the dorms, our fellow dorm mates ( and what hurts the most: our fellow " foreign exchange " mates as well ) where hostile and even gave us the cold shoulder treatment. Jean told me to ignore it and continued eating. It didn't end there actually. Passing through the halls, other students would glare at us and even commented how we brought disgrace to the university's name. Even during class hours, everyone still holds a grudge on us. If there are group works then everyone would throw us away, stating that they didn't want any " escorts " in their group and have any relation with us all the same. If there are documents that are needed to be passed around or photocopied, they would skip the two of us and leave Jean and I to fend for ourselves. That is why some of our professors gets mad at the class. 

" I know news spread fast but they're still your classmates. " Mr. Minho, our professor in College Algebra, gritted his teeth as he massaged his temples. " Shouldn't you be helping each other out rather than-- "

" But it isn't our fault that they're call girls. " A female student cut him. I could see a vein popped from the man's forehead at the action of being cut off. " And besides: they should know their place here. "

" I agree!!! "

" They're just outsiders, who do they think they are?! "

" That is why they could never understand us: they think they're high and mighty just because they're brunettes and have beautiful eyes!!! "

SILENCE!!!! " Mr. Minho slammed his desk. And he started yelling at the whole class, yet again.

Those who were once friends has now forsaken us. That is why we're glad that we got Hae-won and the others on our side. They know the truth and doesn't believe in all of the false accusations thrown at us. They even defended us. They really are true friends and Jean and I are glad that we have them as one. As long as they're with us, we'll be fine.

On the side note, after we ditched our hang out with INFINITE yesterday, we hadn't heard from either of them the whole day ( usually Woohyun, Sungjong, Dongwoo, Sungyeol and Sunggyu would sometimes send group messages ). I guess they're really mad at us. It has to be that way since they have a reputation to maintain. They're idols and Jean and I are only ordinary people. As much as it hurts us to be away from them, we have to. It'll take time to get used to it but we will. As much as it pains Jean to ignore Woohyun, and I to Myungsoo, we have to. Maybe they'll soon give up.

But the prospect of them giving up their love for us pains us even more.  

I wonder: How is Myungsoo? Has he been well? Is he working hard? Is he happy? Is he sad? What is he doing right now? Never has the day passed that I miss him. I miss him so much and wanted to see him, or maybe hear his voice. Even Jean feels the same way too ( I could see her standing outside the terrace, flipping through her albums and looking at her pictures of and with Woohyun. She even read their conversations with each other in her inbox. I know she is a strong woman, but, I can see the toll of the situation getting on her. And yet, she still maintains her strong facade, whereas I show my weakness and doubts. Jean is really admirable and I'm happy that she has found the man that is fitting just for her.

That is why I'm praying that she and Woohyun would still end up together after this " mess " is cleaned. I know I may not be able to save my relationship with Myungsoo but I do believe that Jean will be able to save hers. 

That is why I pray for both her and Woohyun's well as Myungsoo's....


From: Myungsoo

Time: 6:45pm

We'll be eating in the same restaurant again. Maybe this time you two will be able to come? :) The others really miss the two of you already and most especially Woohyun's been screaming " Where's his Honey!!! " non-stop ( he really misses Jean so much ).

We'll be waiting for you guys. See ya.                 

" Won't you guys reconsider? " Hae-won asked, after reading the message. Myungsoo decided to text Jean and I regarding the hangout for later.

" You know the answer's still the same. " Jean sighed as she threw her phone on her bed. Yuna suddenly sprung up from her bed and lunged at Jean. 

" Seriously and still you're going through with the " ignorance-is-bliss " plan?! " She screamed at her. Jean could only flick her forehead at that.

" Too close. " She hissed as she covered her right ear. Well Yuna did raised her voice at such a distance. The latter could only smile sheepishly and apologized.

" But that's not the point. " She said while straightening up. " Don't they at least deserve an EXPLANATION why you're doing this? "

" It's easier to part ways if connections are broken. " Jean closed her eyes.

" But-- " Hae-won placed a hand on Yuna's shoulder, which made the latter stop what she was about to say, before approaching Jean.

" I'll respect whatever you both decided to do. " She looked at me before retracting her gaze back to Jean. " But Yuna also has a point, still, it is your life and the decision is always with you. "

" Thank you. " Jean smiled at her.

" We're only doing this so as to protect them. " I voiced out, but received a one arm hug from Yuna instead.

" We know. " She sighed before letting go and patting my back. " Anyone up for Bonchon chicken? "

We smiled at that. We know it's her way to comfort us and at the same time to brighten our moods. Hae-won grabbed the phone and ordered our food. We all ate a hearty dinner inside our room ( well it is alright to eat in the room as long as we don't forget to clean afterwards ).

And in the end we didn't meet up with INFINITE nor sent a message to tell them that we won't be coming and....

.....We won't be seeing them anymore.....

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