Twenty Third Aegyo

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Since Hae-won, Jin-Hae and Hana are away ( their class attended a seminar regarding " Nature for Healing and Well-being, " I don't know any details about it but it seemed interesting ), Yuna and Choilin completing their project for Cooking class and Seon still completing necessary documents for the performance, it is concluded that Blythe and I will be having the whole afternoon to ourselves. When class ended ( it now ends at 2:30pm, because of the upcoming festival ), we decided to go out. Since there is a nearby mall, we decided to head there. The good part here is that we could go there by foot ( it's just a few blocks away from the university ). I could see the excitement in Blythe's eyes as we were walking. We passed the convenience store that I've gone to yesterday, where I was attacked and rescued by Sungyeol. For some odd reason, I couldn't help but wonder if INFINITE is still in the area. Sungyeol told me that they were in a photo shoot. No, they probably wrapped it up yesterday. 

We soon arrived at the mall. The first thing we did is to head straight to the bookstore to search for a good book to read. The store is quite huge and it has a lot of new arrivals lined-up in shelves. I'm actually done with the first one, that Woohyun bought for me. In the end, the heroine managed to have a " happily-ever-after " ending with her beloved. If only that could happen to me...I wish I have my happily-ever-after...            

Shrugging the thought away, I continued to scan through summaries of the books that I lay my hands on. This isn't the time and place to be thinking such things. We left the store after buying a book for ourselves. Since Blythe is getting hungry, again, we decided to stop by a cafe and ate a couple of pastries. Once done, we decided to go to the music store. I was checking out CDs when something caught my interest and pulled it out from the rack.

" That's INFINITE!!! " I heard Blythe exclaimed as she was looking at the album in my hand. It is actually the latest album of their group, it was released not too long ago. I could see the group's icon on the front cover and the members, themselves, posing to look good and cool. Sadly, my eyes are only admiring one member's pose.


He can be cool if he want to. But knowing him, he's always up to mischief. I decided to return the album on the rack. " I already have this. " I muttered. In all honesty, I don't have that album in my collection yet. It's just that I don't have the heart to buy it. Trivial? I know. Later on, remorse will find its way in my heart and I'd be sulking for who knows what, just because I didn't buy the album. Without any second thought, I quickly fished the album out again and headed to the cashier, with Blythe trailing behind me, confused at my actions.

" What's the next thing we should do? " I asked my companion as we were sitting on the bench.

" I actually don't know. " I heard her say. Just when I was about to check the directory, a hand suddenly covered my eyes.

" Who's this? " I recognize the owner of the voice.       

" Woohyun. " I removed his hands and turned to scowl at him. There he is, laughing in all his glory. I couldn't help but smile at that. That's Woohyun for you.      

" Good to see you two again. " He smiled at us before grinning at Blythe. " And congratulations to you, you've managed to capture L's heart. How did you even do that?! "

" But I didn't... " She was blushing like a tomato. Her phone suddenly rung and she excused herself to answer it.

" Where are the others? " I asked him. It's not that I don't want to see him, it's just that it's odd to see him all alone and without even one or two of the members with him.

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