Ninth Aegyo

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So we first entered Shinsegae Department Store. Clothes line up the racks as the four of us strolled by. For some reason we were at the ladies' area. Ahead from us, Woohyun was telling facts about Times Square and introducing brands that we're not familar with. But from time to time, he'd send a wink and a smile towards Jean, whereas the latter would roll her eyes with tints of red on her cheeks. L, on the other hand, was silently walking behind the three of us. He hasn't uttered a sound during the walk. All he was doing is to stuff both hands in his pockets and follow us, looking at things from time to time. 

Soon, we exited the department store and made our way towards a couple of branded shops ( like Marks & Spencer, the Body Shop, etc. ). All we did was window shopping and look at new products. Woohyun would sometimes ask us if we find that product nice or not. It is fun actually I mean the three of us gets to say what we think about a certain product and then just laugh and continue on. Still, L remained silent.

" Times Square isn't just a mall. " Woohyun turned to us while going down the escalator. " We got the Courtyard by Marriott, a hotel ready for tourists and guests to accomodate their stay. "

" That is good. " Jean replied as she clutched her sling bag. " What are other famous facilities here? "

" There's the CGV Starium, the one with the largest screen in the world. We also got " I Like Dalki, " a children's character theme park, Amoris Banquet & Convention, if there are any events happening, then the Kolon Sporex Luxury Fitness Center, if you want a work out, and then Kyobo Book Centre... "

" Book Center... " I saw Jean's eyes spark at the word. The latter is actually fond of reading books, I too am fond but I still got soccer to attend to. Sometimes we borrow books from each other and other times when we go to a trip to the bookstore and spend hours just to search for the right book, and on a look out for new releases.

" We can head there if you want. " Woohyun said from the front, leading us through the crowded mall.

" Sure. " Jean started walking to keep in track with Woohyun's speed. I was about to follow her when someone bumped me from the side. The person didn't even said " sorry " and just continued on his way. Seriously people...

" You dropped your hanky. " L was holding my purple hanky. I smiled shyly at him and grabbed the hanky, thanking him in return. 

" We should head back to the others... " When I faced forward again, neither Jean nor Woohyun can be seen. Just crowds of people walking to and from shops, minding their own business. " Where are they? " panic soon etched itself in my voice. Again, I got myself separated.

" They're most probably headed to the bookstore. " I heard L said from beside me. " We can meet them there. " And we started walking towards our destination.


Jean's POV         

" And we're here. " Woohyun had his back on me before turning. " This is actually one of the largest bookst--Eh? "

" Huh? " I blinked at him. His face was scrunched up while scratching the back of his head. Looking from side to side, he suddenly dropped his head and sigh. I was confused.

" What's wrong? " I asked.

" It seems L and Blythe are missing. " I turned to see empty spaces beside me. Ou sont-ils?      

" Don't worry, L is with her. " Woohyun gave me a reassuring smile before gesturing towards the bookstore. " Shall we? "

" As long as they're together. " I reluctantly entered with him. The place is huge, was what I could say in my mind. Countless books lined-up the shelves and the bookstore also has a 2nd floor. I could see new arrivals in an area at the center, and walked towards it. I grabbed one and read its summary. Putting the book back on its place, I grabbed another and started reading the information on the back cover. 

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