Tenth Aegyo

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So after the meet up, everything changed. From time to time, Jean would receive messages from Woohyun, in which the former also replies, well, sometimes. Usually his texts are just greetings or cheering Jean on her studies or telling her what he's doing at that hour and such. But seriously he does love to include emoticons in every text messages that he sends. He even sent group messages to both Jean and I everytime, without fail. It feels as if his texting are infinite for he doesn't lose any credits everytime he send messages. There are also times when Woohyun would call Jean out of the blue, but he usually does that in between 5:00-8:00pm ( I guess he's mindful of her schedule ). Yuna would often tease her about it, stating that Woohyun probably missed her so much to the point that he calls her up almost single day ( actually he does call her every single day ). We would hear Jean's voice outside on the terrace, either a normal tone or slightly yelling or any kind of tone, everytime Woohyun calls. The two seemed comfortable enough to intrude the other's privacy. Sometimes we could hear them talking about their day ( like with Jean stating about lessons are alright and such ) or just their usual bickers.

And because of it, Jean discovered a lot of things about Woohyun and in turn the latter also discovered things about the former. Besides cooking and singing, he also likes to skii and play tennis. But the most surprising part is that he likes soccer as well and used to play the sport when he was in elementary ( maybe I should ask him on a duel sometimes ). Though he had to stop because he doesn't have the " stamina " for the sport. Also, to Jean's delight, he's claustrophobic. I have a good feeling she'd be teasing him about it later. Jean may be seen as one who is diligent and composed, but don't be fooled. She has a knack of being a bully as well ( I was one of her victims back then....I could never forget it TAT ). Moving on, he even told Jean that he'd cook for her one time, so that she'll get to taste one of his AWESOME and DELICIOUS cooking and even offered to teach her how to cook, if she's interested. For Woohyun's case, he discovered that Jean is scared of cooking ( that's why he offered to teach her how to cook ) and is not very athletic but likes Math. Another information that he discovered is that Jean is into Italian cuisines and likes cheesecakes. At the thought of cheesecakes, he vowed to bake her one as a Birthday present, but the former insist that he doesn't need to but the male is too persistent so she reluctantly agreed, as long as it makes him happy so be it and it's not every day that your idol bakes you something. All in all I could see them becoming closer each day, whenever Woohyun calls her.

As for me and L, he doesn't call me but we send each other text messages. Usually our conversations start when everyone is asleep. I know it is the weirdest times but we're alright with it. It was three days after the meet up did our texting started. L took the initiative to send me a message first. I could still remember when I received it. Let's just say I couldn't sleep that time and was reading a random book when my phone vibrated and saw that it was L. He told me to have a good night and sleep well. It took me awhile before I sent a reply. He texted afterwards stating he was surprised that I'm still awake in such ungodly hours but I told him that I usually find it hard to sleep at nights so I either grab a midnight snack or read a good book. From there, we decided to chat for a bit. Usually the duration of our conversations starts at 10:00pm ( that's the hour of lights out, according to the dorm manager ) till either 12:30am or 1:00am. We usually talk about photography most of the time but we also shift from one topic to another. 

He told me that he also likes to cook and do some exercise from time to time. But the surprising part that almost made me fall from the bed is that he loves to rap. I couldn't imagine L rapping but curiosity hits me everytime: how does he sound while rapping? Another thing is he has a LOVE for kimchi that, if given a chance, he would carry a lot with him whenever he goes out. I soon discovered that he's also into animes and mangas. Some of his favorites were Naruto, Bleach and One Piece. I soon told him that I'm also into animes but more on Vampire Knight. He now knows that I'm a cosplayer and at the same time part of the girl's soccer team back in Australia. Also, I told him I like to bake but I hate sweet things ( he actually laughed at that statement ). I told him I'm into Japanese cuisines and has a LOVE for tempuras. L and I also talked about things like ' How's your day? ' or ' Anything special happened? '    

I really enjoyed my conversations with L, even if it's through text messages, but there are times when I feel a warm feeling crawling up my chest. I always become ecstatic whenever I receive his messages and would anticipate his reply. Whenever he compliments me, I feel all giddy and chummy in the inside that I almost looked like a love-sick highschool girl. I seriously don't know what's happening...

Like when I saw one of their music videos, I almost had the urge to pull the tv off its hinge and smash it to pieces. The reason: the female character was " too " close to L. And the feeling lingers everytime I see female characters being close or partnered with L in music videos or dramas. I seriously don't know what's happening to me...It's like I'm jealous and hurt and...

Like I'm in love with him.       

I always shrug the thought away. I'm only a fan and maybe what I'm feeling is admiration for my idol. But what kind of admiration is this when I feel envious and hurt whenever I see female artists becoming too close to L. 

Maybe I should try ignoring the feeling. But it'll just come back the instant I lay my eyes on L. Good thing there weren't any hang outs from Woohyun as of date, or else I'd see L. I still like him, for he's my bias, but I'm seriously confused right now...

What is it that I'm feeling for you L?

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