Thirty Third Aegyo

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Jin-Hae went on a date with Joonsuh moments ago. Yuna was still surprised that her own brother is dating one of her best friends, she even threatened him that if he hurts her, she'll kick the living day lights out of him ( even if she is his sister ). When Joonsuh arrived to pick her up, I couldn't help but laugh at the both of them. They were blushing and smiling awkwardly at one another and we couldn't help teasing them. So that explains why Jin-Hae was all dressed-up today. 

Still, I couldn't help but worry about Seon. Of course, heart break is always there but there is this strange feeling that I feel whenever I see him. Like he's hiding something. Even so, he took everything calmly. None could ever accept the fact that the one they like loves another. So maybe this strange feeling is a hoax?

Right now, Jean, Hana and I are inside a nearby cafe ( Hana told that she wanted quality time with Jean and told Hae-won and Yuna that we won't be long ). I have a good feeling that we'd be talking about Seon. After our orders arrived ( I ordered Italian soda, I just feel like drinking one ), we soon went to business.

" So it seems Jin-Hae and Joonsuh have been contacting one another. " Hana leaned on the table as she stirred her coffee.

" How did you know about that? " Jean asked, her cappucino in hand.

" She told me. " The former shrugged nonchalantly. " I'm surprised that Seon's taking it all in. "

" But you know... " I started. " I have this weird feeling that he's hiding something. "

" Indeed. " My bestfriend sighed and leaned back on her seat. " Something's up that I couldn't decipher. "

" Well we're still not sure. " Hana clasped her hands together. " What's important is that he took it positively. "

" Yes... "

The three of us became silent for a bit. Just the sound of silver wares and other people interacting with one another could be heard around us. The scent of freshly brewed coffee swept through the cafe, which can make one feel relaxed ( I'll be honest, I like the scent of coffee but I'm not fond of drinking one. Tea is much preferable ). Setting her cup down, I see Hana slowly stretched on her sit before grinning at us.

" So... " She had an evil glint on her eyes. " How are your relationship with your respective idols? "

Jean and I suddenly blushed at that. Hana had this chesire grin that spells " mischief " in the air. Bloody hell, first we were talking about Seon and now our relationships?!

" What's in it for you? " Jean said, evident that she's still flustered.

" Oh I just want to know. " Hana was checking out her nails ( she had it french tipped by the way ). " Is it bad for a friend to ask? "

" It was abrupt. " Jean sighed, sipping on her cappucino.

" Well I wanted to know when's your first kiss, your first date, how the confession happened...EVERYTHING. " Jean almost choked on her drink. Hana still had that chesire grin on her face, that almost made me feel infuriated for some reason.

" That's for us to decided. " My eyes narrowed. How do I say this, well, her statement is too forward or too personal. " Sometimes you only need to know limited infos... "

" My how defensive. " She snickered. " I was only playing with you two and it is the first time I've ever seen you act like that, Blythe. "

" It was a spur of the moment. " I puffed a cheek out. " It was too much!!! "

" Now, now. " She waved her hand, as if dispelling the tension. " Let's just enjoy our time here and relax. "

And we did just that. The three of us ate cheesecake and talked about a lot of things. We bid each other farewell when the clock strucked 5:50pm.

The next day, Seon seems to be slightly off. He always daze off and you have to call his name three times before he responds. Jung thinks he's sick and offered to bring him to the infirmary, but the former smiled and told that it was due to stress in school works and lack of sleep. 

" Even so you still need to go to the infirmary!!! " His childhood friend insisted. He could only sigh and let his friend pull him. Jung may look like a klutz but he cares deeply for his friends. To the point that he'd carry them to the hospital if he wants to.

The days that soon follow is like seeing a cycle. Day by day, I could Seon becoming from better to worse. He looks so tired and restless, eyes bags could be seen under his eyes ( lightly I mean ). Everyone thought that he's ill, but the latter keeps on insisting that it's only stress due to school works. Jung is starting to follow him around ( who wouldn't be worried and they've been together since kindergarden ). Could this be the strange feeling that I felt back then? As I've seen it, it looked as if Seon is giving up on life ( okay I may be exaggerating but that's how I interpret things ). His grades are still maintained but he seems to be thinner these days. Like he lost the appetite to eat. To our surprise, he also became moody ( he lashed out at Jung one time, the latter is still tailing him like a loyal dog, but apologized afterwards ). 

Jung is really starting to worry about him. He'd even carry his things and ask if he's feeling unwell every now and then. I could actually agree with the former: Seon looks so sickly these days. All of us our starting to worry about him. Could a rare disease strucked him?

Or is it heartbreak?

Hana remained passive all through out. She doesn't say a word and just observes Seon. I know she caught on something. Later that day, she asked Jean and I to go to the cafe that we frequented a few days ago. The tension seemed thick as the three of us sat on our table. Hana had both her hands clasped together. After we took our orders was when she spoke.

" He's only acting on pretense. " She stated. " I know he's experiencing heartache... "

" I thought so too. " Jean crossed her arm. " He had to hide it so that others won't notice... "

" This is the first time I've ever seen someone like that... " I muttered out. 

" He's becomine worse as each days passed. " The three of us couldn't help but release a sigh of frustration. As friends, we wanted to help Seon but how can we when he's keeping to himself. Hana tried confronting him one time ( she's the only one who knows he likes Jin-Hae ) but the male only dodged her questions. At this rate he might snap ( we do hope that he doesn't ). He's preoccupying himself with school works, so that he'll forget the fact that Jin-Hae and Joonsuh are together. He's maintaining his grades, but his health is deteriorating. There was one time when he fainted in class and Jung almost flipped. 

All I can say is that we're SERIOUSLY worried about Seon.

" Let's just give him our support and a shoulder to lean on. " Hana breathed out, grabbing a piece of shortbread cookies on the plate. " At these times, he'll need his friends to keep him standing on his feet. We'll carry him when he falls... " 

 The three of us spent the remainder of our time in the cafe in heavy silence. I do hope that Seon won't do anything drastic. He's the type who takes things in a well-composed manner. But you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. All we can do now is to act as his pillar of support when he falls. 

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