Thirty Eighth Aegyo

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The moment I woke up ( my alarm was set at 4:50am ), I saw Woohyun smiling sheepishly at me while holding his phone. At first I only stared at him, before irritation settled in my system. I automatically sprung up from the bed ( I happened to slept on his bed ) and tried to reach for his phone, in which the latter only stretched his arm upward ( away from my reach ). Good thing Blythe was still asleep or else she would have also joined in. 

" I was only finding a good picture as my phone's wallpaper!!! " Woohyun pleaded as he struggled on my weight. I remain persistent in grabbing that phone of his.

" Well you shouldn't take pictures of sleeping faces!!! " I hissed back, now on my tippy-toes, still reaching for his phone. 

" H-Hey what are you doing?! " He blushed as I decided to lean on him even more, I could even feel his heart thumping hard because of the contact. But I didn't paid any head for the phone is my priority. I shall delete my picture. I even started hopping to reach the device. It took me three tries before the fourth one was a success. I may have gotten the phone from him, but because of it, the both of us came toppling down on the ground. 

" What's all the noise? " I heard Blythe yawned and turned to see her rubbing her eyes. 

" Morning Blythe. " Woohyun grinned from below me. Seriously he can still manage to joke around at such a situation. She only looked at us in bewilderment. 

" Hey Woohyun have you woke-- " Hoya came in and saw the scene. Of course, I almost forgot that Woohyun and I are sprawled on the floor ( with me on top ). He suddenly had this evil glint on his eyes as he smiled ( more like a smirk to me ). 

" Be more discreet next time you two. " He said while turning his back on us. " There's a minor watching. "

So after our " mini " chaos ( I've successfully erased my picture, much to Woohyun's displeasure ), everyone started getting ready for the camp out. After making sure that we got everything, all of us filed out the dorm and into the van ( that INFINITE borrowed from Manager Hyoan ). Checking the time, it was 5:30 in the morning. I could tell winter is coming soon ( I can feel the winter solstice wafting through ).

" All set, kids? " Dongwoo said as he took the driver's seat. Beside him was Hoya, acting as navigator. Blythe, Sunggyu and I were seated at the seats behind them and behind us were Woohyun, L, Sungjong and Sungyeol. It's a good thing the van is huge, still, it is a wonder how the four managed to fit in together at the back. Sunggyu insisted that we should seat at the middle aisle ( since we're the guests and at the same time he's the leader ) while the rest are stuck on the back side of the van. 

" This isn't fair. " Woohyun exclaimed. " How come hyung gets to sit in the front? It's cramped here!!! "

" Well I'm the leader and I can do whatever I want. " Sunggyu crossed his arms with a dignified smile.

" Damn you old man. " The heart-machine muttered.

" What was that? "

" Nothing. "

We soon set off. Since it was still early, there weren't a lot of cars on the road. Maybe some our also on a trip, just like us, or maybe headed to work? 

Along the way, we decided to eat at Mc Donald's ( of course Blythe was thrilled, she loves their cheeseburger very much ). But since it's breakfast, there weren't any cheeseburgers so she decided to order pancakes. I myself also ordered pancakes, with a side dish of hashbrown. After we ate ( and a toilet break as well ), we set off on the road again. The travel time was a bit long that some of us decided to sleep ( namely L, Sungjong, Sungyeol and Hoya ) or amuse ourselves with stories and jokes. The hilarious part of our trip is when Woohyun decided to immitate some of the members. He first tried L ( Blythe couldn't help but laugh at that, of course it's L ), his second attempt was Sungjong and all of us ( who were awake ) tried to stiffle our laughter after hearing his high pitch voice. He immitated Dongwoo on the third try and both he and the person he's immitating started laughing at how funny they sounded. But the last one sent us off laughing so hard with tears in our eyes. How immitated Sungyeol was priceless!!! even the person, himself, couldn't help but smile at that ( he was awake? ). The rest of the ride continued on with more laughter.


My eyes opened as the rays of the sun hit my face. Blythe was leaning on my shoulder as she slept. I noticed that everyone ( except Dongwoo of course, he is driving ) were fast asleep. I checked the time to see it was 10am ( so we traveled for almost four and a half hours ). We passed through a gate with a sign that says " Green Park " hanging from a police tower. Stopping before the main gate, a ranger gave a map and a pamphlet to Dongwoo, stating that he should follow the trails from the map ( to avoid any accidents ) and enjoy our stay. He continued driving for another 15 mins. before parking beside a tree. He turned to see me awake. The two of us woke the others up. It seemed Dongwoo picked an area far west of Green Park. Our side has a lake ( with a waterfall ) that we could swim in. Hiking can also be done and fishing as well ( you'd have to walk a good distance away from the campsite before reaching a stream ). 

The first thing we did was assemble the tents. Four tents were brought up and our tent assignment states that Woohyun, Dongwoo and Sungjong will share a tent, Sungyeol and Hoya on the other tent, Sunggyu and L will get to share a tent and Blythe and I are stuck together in one tent. The four tents were placed on one side ( on our left ) for on the other side, it's going to be used as a cooking area. At the center, a bonfire can be made with log benches setlled around said bonfire area.

Woohyun, Dongwoo and Hoya started preparing the grill ( for lunch ). L, Sunggyu and Sungyeol are busy unloading things from the van and Blythe, Sungjong and I are stuck collecting firewood for the bonfire later. 

I could tell that this trip will be memorable and fun ( especially later as we sat around the bonfire, telling stories and such ). With that in mind, I followed the two into the lush greenery of the forest ( but not too far away from the campsite ) to collect twigs and timber.

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