Chapter 26 "I love you Natsuki...."

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Well, last chapter of the book.....honestly it's really sad to see this end, but at the same time it's also strongly satisfying to see another series of mine come to a end....enjoy this chapter...

Your POV

There was no noise, just silence that filled our room.No chatter or the scampering of my dogs paws that usually echoed throughout the house, just silence that me and Natsuki enjoyed as we laid there our bed cuddling each other.I occasionally planted soft kisses on her head as she lightly nuzzled my chest.

I listened to her small breaths and the small cute noises that she made whenever she tried to get closer to me, but her stomach prevented that which annoyed us as we couldn't get as close as we wanted to each other.She was 5 months pregnant and we still didn't know the gender, and honestly.Id rather be surprised than know to add to the already exciting event that would take place in 4 months.Her rounded stomach added much more width to her small frame than I was used to which didn't bother me one bit besides the small frame that I was used to.

The feeling of the warmth that radiated from her stomach was nice and felt pretty pleasant as well, It was a nice touch to the already soft bed that we both laid on."Natsuki, When you do you want to have our wedding?"I asked her as she opened her eye and thought about it."Hmm....the end of next month would be nice, if that's manageable though." "Oh don't worry, I'll make it manageable.I promise my cupcake....I love you Natsuki."I said as I looked down at her and laid a soft kiss on her head to which she responded by looking up and bringing me into a loving kiss."What do you want at our wedding?And who?"I asked as she said."I want there to be cake, strawberry specifically, cupcakes, and a bunch of fancy stuff and everyone....and maybe so of my relatives if we can find any of them.....but I highly doubt that."

She said as she nuzzled my chest, I smiled and said."Alright then Natsuki...."I said as I began to rub her back again while she slept soundly as I thought about how fucked my wallet and bank account was gonna be... up it's gonna be worth it for Natsuki.I looked down and smiled at the sight in front of me, Natsuki was clinging to my side as she let out a small snore everyone once in a while.The sun shined brightly down on her causing her to have a orange aura and glow like affect to her, she was a goddess, my little pink haired goddess.

The Wedding day

The days went by pretty fast, especially with Natsuki being pregnant and all which kept me in my toes as she began to have strong mood swings every now and then, she actually seemed to go back to her tuesunder side again which Honestly I didn't mind at all.I invited all of my family, Sayori and her family and we had to go to this weird building to try and find Natsuki's blood line and where her relatives currently were.Turns out, her uncle and aunts and other family members were still alive and around!We immediately called them and told them everything about our wedding which definitely got a shock out of them as they began to pack and head our way.

I had spent so much money on this wedding and I'm about to have a kid in about 2 months which definitely put a lot of pressure on me as I began to have some doubts about if I would be a good parent, let alone be able to raise the kid.Sayori and Alex have snapped me back to reality and help me through those tough moments so many times that I lost count but I know that I definitely owe them for helping me.

Alex, Jones And Sayori were supposed to have the chairs set up along with some other things while some other helpers set up the food table and entrance and the little area that me and Natsuki were supposed to get married on.I was in my room trying to find the pants that I had bought like a week ago and began to have an anxiety attack as I felt my heart begin to pump rapidly as I continued to look for my pants."Shit.Shit.Shit.Where are they!?"I said aloud as Alec's and jones cane into the room, Jones began to laugh at my silliness while Alex chuckled and walked over and said."Y/N relax, look, there right here.Now put those on and get outside, the actual wedding is about to start.

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