Chapter 7...Do or Die...

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Hmm, I bet y'all were think that something bad was gonna happen because of the title but nah.Nothing bad is gonna happen this chapter except for the fact that Finals are in this chapter, a test that will determine Y/Ns and Natsuki's future...

Natsuki's POV

I woke up to the dreadful sound of the alarm clock, I turned over into my side and slammed my hand into it silencing the awful noise.I then rolled over onto my side and looked up at Y/N's face.His face was one of unknown emotions, he looked so peaceful while he slept.

I sighed as I rested my head in his chest as I felt his chest slowly and softly rise and then fall as he took in short breathes, I could hear his heart beat continuously pump as blood was sent throughout his body.I never wanted his heart to stop beating...and it was an awful thought to think of if his heart stopped....

"Hey Y/N...-"I said before my vision blurred out and another vision flashed before my eyes and mind.I could hear cheerful shouting, as if people were celebrating something.I could taste the foul taste of blood in my mouth.I could see that there was all of us in a car,Me, Sayori, Yuri, Monika, Jones, Alex and Y/N, we were all in Y/Ns car and it was somewhat dark.I could feel the very few broken bones in my body and the heavy broken pieces of metal that kept me from getting up and the sickening feeling in my stomach.I could smell the awful stench of blood that was mixed with the fumes of smoke and fire...

I snapped out of the vision as I was suddenly brought into a hug by Y/N, I quickly wrapped my arms around him as he said."Good morning..."I smiled as he didn't noticed that I was scared about the image but I feared that I spoke too soon."You Alright, you looked a little spooked there."He asked in a worried tone."I'm fine, I'm just worried about Finals..."I said as his eyes widened."I completely forgot about finals!Natsuki hurry up and get dressed, if we hurry then we might have enough time to go over some shit before finals!"

He said as he threw off the covers and got up and immediately went for his clothes as he left me there on the bed giggling to myself.It was just a Dream..."I said as I got and went to shower.

Time seemed to slow down as we went through our regular morning routine, we got up, showered, made and ate breakfast, and then began our trek to school.

The weather was fairly chilly but it was said to warm up later in the month as summer was just a week away, but with us walking towards our final challenge we started to get a little anxiety.I could feel my heart and stomach clench together as we had only had enough time to study about 3 subjects when we had 5 subjects total.Unwelcoming thoughts began to creep their way into my head, thoughts of Y/N graduating and leaving me because I failed and I was held back.Him finding someone else in college, him cheating on me in college.After all, some things change...

I guess that because of these awful thoughts getting to me worked me up as i painfully squeezed Y/N's hand."Hey, Natsuki your Alright?" I just looked up at him and opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out as he said."Natsuki what's wrong?"He asked as we stopped."Y/N, we have to get to sch-Natsuki you come first in my life, I could care less about school.I love you and I will do whatever I can to keep you happy...Now tell me, what's wrong?"

He said as he gently lifted my head up to look up at him by my chin."I-I'm sacred that I'll f-fail and I'll g-get held behind and you'll leave me because of it...o-or you'll c-cheat on m-m In college..."I said as just thinking of the thoughts caused tears to well up in my only eye.He then leaned down and placed a gently kiss on my lips, his lips didn't really have a taste but they alway gave me a sense of comfort and made me relaxed.He then pulled away and said.

"Natsuki, I will never cheat on you...even if you fail and get held back, I will stay with you.A King doesn't leave his queen in any situation...I will always love you..."I smiled and said."R-really, you mean it...?" "Yes, your my wife!I would never leave you, and I only have my eyes on you Natsuki.I don't need a girl with big breasts or a big butt, your perfect in every way...I love you...don't ever doubt that..."

He said as he pulled me closer to him, I could feel the warmth radianting from his body.He was soft and warm, I could always depend on him and I now knew that he would forever love me for who I am.I smiled and placed a gently kiss on his cheek as we began walking together toward our final obstacle.

Your POV

After that little talk with Natsuki, I grabbed her hand and began our trek to our final obstacle.Our Final exams, a piece of paper that would determine if you moved on from school or would be held back as a prisoner.

We got to school fairly easy as it was only a 5 minute walk from our house, but as we inched closer and closer we both got a dreading feeling in our stomachs.When we walked into the school entrance, everyone was quiet and it was...unnerving...normally the front entrance would be booming with noise like music and conversations but...not today.Everyone knew the rules and consequences of today, even the big bad bullies knew them too.Days like these were where all you could depend on was knowledge, concentration and hope...

As we walked through the school, I felt Natsuki squeeze my hand and I knew that she was beginning to have doubts and was scared.And to be honest, I was also starting to have doubts but I had to be strong for Natsuki.I gently squeezed her hand in response and pulled her close to me as she gently laid her head on my shoulder.I then turned and laid a kiss on her head as we made it our first class and exam.I then leaned on the wall as Natsuki laid her head on my chest as we anxiously waited for the bell to ring.I began to gently rub her back for a good 6 minutes before the awful sound of the bell rang.

We both went inside and sat down along with the other students.We had to wait for the teacher to read the instructions and whatnot which took a boring 10 minutes.And then finally, the teacher came around and passed out the final exams. And as the final obstacle was placed before me...I prepared myself for the worst...and began...

This is exactly what it felt like on the days of finals and yeah, sorry that I didn't post earlier as I'm now in school again and will have limited time especially with me starting to drive.Also btw, a one-shot fanfic will be posted soon, it'll be about a pair from a movie that I very much enjoyed and couldn't help but make a one-shot about them.I don't want to spoil it so I'll just say that if you saw the final movie if the "Anime Godzilla Trilogy", you know what I'm talking about.See ya in the next chapter!


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