Chapter 11 ...Awakened...

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No words needed for this chapter, just have a box of tissues ready just in case for this chapter...

Natsuki's POV

I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the lights of the hospital room, my eyes soon adjusted to the lights and soon I was able to see again.I began to rub the sleep and exhaustion from my eye when I felt the tear tracks from the amount of crying when Y/Ns mom me all of the news...Sayoris close to death, Yuris gone, Alex is somewhat ok, and Y/N....well they don't know...

I yawned and looked around the room as I had nothing else to do, the door was placed right in the middle of the room along with a chair on both sides of the room and a few medical bags and IVs that surround me on both sides, not to mention the fact that my leg was hanging in the air due it being broken.

Then all of the thoughts began to creep into my head...Is Y/N ok, how serious is the damage or injuries, what will happen to him, will Sayori live or will she die too like Yuri...With all of these awful but possible thoughts beginning to invade my head I began to panic and felt my chest getting tight.I then felt a soft hand take mine and squeeze.

Just for a moment, for a moment.I thought it was Y/Ns hand...but when I turned I saw that it was instead Y/Ns mom.Her face looked grim and sad, I immediately knew it was about Y/N and his condition."Is he ok?!"I asked in a small vulnerably and desperate voice as she opened her mouth to say.

"I was told his condition just this morning.The surgery went well but...he hasn't woken up either...they don't know what's gonna happen but he has severe head trauma to the left side of his head and that it could have caused problems with his brain, but they can't do any other test since he hasn't woken up....I'll update you on his condition...."

She said as I felt my chest tighten as I cried out in pain as I let all of the news settle as I choked out his name and how I regretted ever considering going out to go and celebrate...

2 weeks later

Natsuki's POV

It's been about 2 weeks since the crash that caused us to be in the hospital.Monika got out of the hospital last week and is ok, she visits us as much as she can and always brings us something to eat or will just spend time with us.Shes currently going to a college and is trying to back on track with her life.

Sayori survived her injuries but is said to have PTSD about the crash, most of her ribs had been fixed and healed, her arm healed fine but....her hand was also broken and one of the bones in her hand sadly isn't healing right so now she's gonna have to undergo surgery to get a couple metal implants or screws inserted into her hand.Her leg on the other hand is entirely another problem, her leg healed wrong twice so they had to break it again which isn't helping either as they're just causing more internal bleeding in her leg.The internal bleeding hasn't stopped but has slowed down a little but is still life threatening.Shes still forced to wear a oxygen mask along with multiple tubes to help her internal bleeding...

Alex healed up just fine, other then his arm being just about done, he still has the fracture on his skull to worry about which he will undergo surgery to have that patched up.But he's also developed another problem which is mentally and is the fact that Sayori still has a chance of dying....but he's alright...

Y/N though...he hasn't woken up since the surgery, they said that he's in a coma like state but other than that they have no other news for us.Im just worried about him.I did find out what the surgery was about though, apparently he has a large crack on the left side of his skull which if not treated would've killed him.So they took care of it by plastering a very thin metal plate over the crack and some screws.He had also apparently severed the metal in his shoulder which had to be fixed which went well.They had to repair ligaments, and muscle tissue along with a shattered wrist which now has a small amount of metal planted in it.

I'm doing fine though, turns out the damage in my leg wasn't as bad as the doctors thought it was.My leg was now in a cast and next week I'll be able to walk around with crutches which i already know will be a pain in the ass.The thing that I'm dreading the most right now though is the therapy that I'll have to go through...

3 days later...

Natsuki's POV

"That's it!Keep going!"My physical therapist said as I tried walking with a fabric cast on for the first time, of course he held me up for support and to not let me fall."I hate this..."I said as I finished walking and sat down."Your doing pretty good though for your first time back on your leg.About 3 weeks of this and you'll be fine."He said as he allowed me to rest while he went to the bathroom.

I spaced out for while.Thinking about what Y/N will be like when he wakes up.Will he be in pain?Will he be emotionless?Will he still be the same?I was brought back to reality when I heard my name called."Natsuki!!My baby boy woke up!Y/Ns awake!"I heard Y/Ns mom voice ring out as I instantly got up.Bad idea though.I completely forgot that I didn't have my crutches and fell down to the floor.

" me up!Please, I want to see Y/N!!"I said as I heard another voice speak up."I'm sorry, but you can't.Your session isn't over yet.You still have 30 minutes left."My therapist said as I bent my head down and said."F-Fine...go see Y/N..."I said as I waited for the tears to drip down but there wasn't any...i didn't have any tears left...Y/Ns mom nodded and went to go see Y/N.

The next 30 minutes were the slowest minutes of my life.It was agony knowing that Y/N was alive and was awake and I couldn't see him.But I waited.I knew patience was key, just like when my dad trapped me in that house and I had to wait for Y/N to come and save me from the evil and rotten clutches of his hands.Ive gotten through my dad, I can take any type of obstacle....any.

"And that's our session for today, your free to go.Ill help get to Y/Ns room."My therapist said as he helped me back on my crutches, I hate my crutches.They would always dig into my arms and leave little red burns too.We then made our way to Y/Ns room.Just a few doors down and I'll finally see him!Everything will be alright!I thought as I continued to head toward his room."Here you go..."My therapist said as he opened the door which revealed Y/N leaning in a bed as he looked my way.

I couldn't help but smile of joy when I saw him....but...they way he looked at me...was...different.I then immediately noticed something, his eyes.They weren't there usually brown...they were a mix of pink and purple.He had bandages wrapped around his head along with multiple tubes connected to his body, they were connected to multiple IVs and other mysterious bags.He had multiple scars running down the side of his head, but the most horrifying part was his arm.It was held up by a couple of strings and some metal parts placed on his arm as a tube that was connected into his arm fed the arm a weird looking fluid.

I then entered the room.I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as I got closer, it felt as if my heart would jump out of my chest as my chest got tight.I then choked out his name."Y-Y/N..."I said as I approached but was stopped by his words that crushed my heart...

"Sorry, Who are you?"

See ya in the next chapter...also I'm recovering quite fast so yeah...expect another chapter this week...

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